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Qotw season 10.3 : "What habits or addictions, both good and bad, have you developed and which you would like to get rid of?"


jmis1011.7 K2 years ago3 min read


It's funny how one develop a habit holding it tight both good and bad ones, but the good part of it is you can change it if you really want to.
And addictions,ooh my it grows to be a part of you. Some you really want to stop but is very hard to stop. Fighting to stop it is never easy is better not to get addicted to what you will love to stop, well is easier said than done.


One of the habit I developed is expectorating while bathing.
Is funny and weird right?
I don't know how it started, it is now a part of me. I do it constantly and unconsciously. I found it strange and will love to stop it but no I still find myself doing it repeatedly.

Another habit is chewing gum early in the morning before eating anything.
This started in my university days, my first year where I always have early morning lectures. I had a packet of chewing gum in my wardrobe so it was easily accessible for me.
My reasons then was no time to eat anything, so let's just hang in with gum and keep the mouth busy. The other reason was I might sleep in class, so let's stay awake with it.
My pattern of chewing gum is not offensive, so I had no issues with lecturers. They hardly notice me chewing gum and to make it worst a lecturer once commended me for staying awake in class with my chewing gum strategy. This encouraged me more, but it is eating me up.
It makes me miss my breakfast everyday.

A habit I developed of recent I will love to keep for so long is having patience.
There were times in my life where I had no patience, I wanted it fast and done.
But I came to realize that not everything works as planned.
Sometimes it comes ahead of time, sometimes there is delay. The only thing is to be positive and calmly wait for the best.
 > Addictions

I am addicted to sipping garri, some call it drinking garri hahaha. Anyway it is called the main thing is, it is eaten by pouring the cassava flour is a bowl or cup with water. Some add sugar, milk, coconut, groundnuts, soyabean flour etc to spice the taste.
It is made from cassava, it is one of the main sources of carbohydrates and a popular staple food in Nigeria.
I like sipping mine with plenty of sugar, groundnut and milk then water, we are good to go. The taste is wow.
I sip garri even after cooking a nice meal at home.
What I can't allow to finish totally at home is garri, sugar,milk and groundnut.
It was that bad that I can wake up at night to sip garri.
Too much of everything is bad they say and I think I have gone extreme with this, I love to get rid of it.
At least limit the consistency.

Thanks for reading.
And have a best day.


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