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Profits and Power: The Dominance of Corporate America in Business, Law, and Politics


jerome-colley30.30last year4 min read

The story of America's foundation is rooted in the pursuit of profit, as corporations from English and European nations sought to exploit the New World's riches for their gain. Over time, corporate influence in the United States grew substantially, solidifying its control over the realms of business, law, and politics. This article delves into the early days of corporate exploration and colonization, and how their financial power and lobbying efforts have shaped the modern landscape of America.
Colonial Ambitions: Corporate Ventures for Profit

In the 16th and 17th centuries, English and European corporations received royal charters to establish colonies in America. Their primary objective was clear: profit. Funded by wealthy investors, these joint-stock companies embarked on expeditions to extract valuable resources and trade them back to their home countries. The early settlements they founded were designed to serve corporate interests, with the welfare of their investors taking precedence over other concerns.
Corporate Influence in the Making of America

As the colonies grew and transformed into towns and cities, the power dynamics gradually evolved. The settlers, desiring autonomy and self-governance, began to establish local governments and institutions that pushed back against direct corporate control. However, even as the grip of corporations loosened in governance, their influence in other aspects of American life only intensified.

The Rise of Corporate America

The 19th century ushered in the rise of massive corporations during the Industrial Revolution. Railroads, steel mills, oil refineries, and financial institutions dominated the landscape. These corporations accumulated vast amounts of wealth and wielded significant political influence, using their resources to mold laws and policies in their favor.

The Stranglehold of Corporate Money and Lobbying

With growing financial power, corporations began exercising their influence over American business, law, and politics through various means, with money and lobbying becoming their primary tools. Massive campaign contributions and political donations allowed them to sway elections and secure favorable policies from pliable politicians.

The lobbying industry, fueled by corporate interests, further solidified their control. Lobbyists, representing powerful corporations, worked tirelessly to influence legislation and regulatory decisions in favor of their clients. This behind-the-scenes manipulation ensured that corporate America's interests were front and center in the corridors of power.

The Ongoing Struggle for Balance

The dominance of corporate America over the country's economic and political landscape has raised concerns about the concentration of power and wealth. Critics argue that such influence hampers equitable representation and can perpetuate economic inequality. In response, some regulatory measures have been introduced to address corporate influence, such as campaign finance reform and attempts to increase transparency in lobbying activities.

However, the battle for balance continues, as corporations adapt to find new ways to exert their power and maintain their influence. As long as corporate America holds sway, finding a fair equilibrium between corporate interests and the well-being of citizens remains a challenging task.


From its early colonial roots to the modern era, corporate America's pursuit of profit has been a defining aspect of the nation's history. As English and European corporations first set foot on American soil to capitalize on its riches, the foundation was laid for a powerful force that would shape American business, law, and politics.

Today, corporate America's control over these realms is evident, with financial power and lobbying efforts allowing them to sway decisions in their favor. While regulations have been introduced to address the influence of corporations, the struggle for a fair and equitable balance between corporate interests and the welfare of the people persists. As the nation navigates this ongoing challenge, understanding the historical roots of corporate influence can help foster a more informed and engaged citizenry in shaping the future of America.


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