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I am on the Hivewatchers blacklist, I apologize to the Hivewat community


jaster3 K3 years agoHive.Blog

Admin of Honorable Hive Editor,
I apologize for my mistake. I don't understand that it is wrong to post without source in every post. So I apologize for the posts last week. Below are links to last week's posts.

  1. https://hive.blog/hive-117778/@jaster/today-s-topic-is-the-concept-of-citizenship-and-citizenship

  2. https://hive.blog/hive-117778/@jaster/today-s-topic-is-bangladesh-as-a-state

  3. https://hive.blog/hive-117778/@jaster/today-s-topic-is-the-idea-of-citizen-and-state-formation-of-a-country

  4. https://hive.blog/hive-117778/@jaster/today-s-chapter-is-bangladesh-and-regional-cooperation-lesson-2

  5. https://hive.blog/hive-167922/@jaster/bangladesh-s-sustainable-development-goals-sdgs

Unknown could be many more misconceptions? I apologize for all the mistakes and I promise that there will be no more mistakes in the future.


My own art has been edited on April 12, 2021 Hive Logo image.

There will be no more mistakes later
Sorry 🙏Sorry 🙏Sorry 🙏
@hivewatchers and Admin Sir, I beg your pardon considering the above.


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