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jagged354.324 years agoPeakD3 min read

There can't be another Hitler .. right?

Many years ago my father was reading the newspaper and remarked,
"With all the information available, I don't think another Hitler can occur."

That was before the Internet & Social Media.

Now, we are so inundated with information, connected, yet disconnected from each other. Psycological profiling, AI predictions, endorfin flowing, manipulation - so much information and yet such a limited brain capacity to filter it all.

Now, with the Covid, global pandemic, scamdemic, or plandemic, we now see a new concept of Global manipulation and influence.

Are we entering a new Inquisition.


As we are all on different knowledge levels. The Inquisition was during a time that the Catholic Church had immense power. The intention was to "root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas".

I was contemplating that the Covid-19, whether true or not, has many of the attributes comparable to the Inquisition.

The reason I am skeptical about the virus is because;

  1. Researching the Global Debt in 2017, I commented to my boss at the time, that there will be a Financial Collapse. My conclusion to reset the financial markets would be a World War. But then when HK had an Avian Flu outbreak, I thought to myself, maybe a pandemic would be more effective.
  2. That the virus is so lethal, that you need to be tested to know if you have it. Particularly, as the survival rate is almost 100% - and the previous models of a pandemic deathrate appear to be overstated.
  3. That people like WHO seem to be politicised.
  4. That people like Bill Gates have made a huge amount of money from "Global Health"

Inquisition vs Inquisition-19

Power in Charge: Catholic Church vs WHO/Govts
Enforcers: Inquisitors vs Police Force
Carrot: Included vs Wear Mask / Included
Stick: Torture/Death vs Fines, Exclusion etc
Propaganda: Conform or Stick vs Conform or Stick
God/Pandemic: Say it's real or Stick vs Say it's Real or Stick


Medieval vs Modern

There a huge differences in the application of punishments. Of course, we are not torturing people in the traditional sense.
Although, lockdowns, brutal arrests (being thrown to the ground for not providing Identification quick enough or mask wearing), loss of economic means, travel, and so on, could be seen as forms of modern day torture.

It is all a matter of perspective.

Thanks for reading my small summary of my roaming thoughts.
I don't believe in the "New Normal", and yet, I need to pantomime it, if I want to regain my mobility and accessibility, to this so called, free world.

Victoria State deaths by age. Why the hell did we shut down the freedom of the majority?


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