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Good use of cardboard.

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jadnven92.324 years agoHive.Blog2 min read

I went to accompany my mother to the house of one of my sisters, we shared the whole morning, talking and listening to low volume music so as not to attract attention, everything was between family, we had a month without seeing each other.

During our stay, my niece took out some painted cards to play with, I said to myself, I must take a picture of this to show it to her. I decided to take a picture of it. I think this game is called emboque or balero.

It is a small base with a vertical tube and several sets of rings, all made of cardboard, interesting truth, the quarantine has made us more creative to pass the time. Jireth is the artist who made this game, she is only 10 years old, and she already applies the recycling task, she always takes something new from a recyclable material, later I will be showing you other of her works.

Here I leave you some pictures that I could take so you can take this creative way of using the cardboard as an example.






I hope you liked it.


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