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What If Sweet Potato Pudding Cured Everything??


jacey.boldart3 K6 months agoPeakD3 min read
I just made myself laugh. I put my title on my blog and as I was dropping down to type, I thought, maybe that is what I should name this piece of art. People would be going.... what??... where are the potatoes?? I am supposing if art is abstract, the name could be as well, you know, not really having anything to do with the art. Yeah, the thought of it made me giggle.
I saw a piece of abstract art one time named "Red Umbrella" It not only did NOT have an umbrella in it, there was nothing red at all ! Made me think, just like it was supposed to.
This IS about as neutral as I can get. You know my normal art is usually shooting out bold colors everywhere. I was trying though and I kind of liked how it came out.


About the title though, a couple of months ago I tasted an old recipe, simple, but old from my Great-Grandma Webster's recipe file. My sister had decided to try it. It was pleasant because it has nutmeg in it. It said you could put nutmeg or cinnamon... or both in it, but she had only put nutmeg and only 1 of the two types of sugar. Yes, my sister thinks you can change recipes any old way and this time it was good.
A couple of weeks back I tried it myself and Mom and I had some of it for dessert. I told you about that though, but I got home with too much and so I froze some. Then the next week I made more since my Mom forgot to keep some, so after THAT....I froze some more ! I just ate the last of it after supper tonight and while I was wasting brain time, I thought, what if we found out that eating some old fashioned sweet potato pudding every day would cure everything. Wouldn't that be nice !? I think it would and so I reached over on my laptop that was beside me in the living room and typed that on my sister's messenger.
That made me giggle too when I did it.
Of course she answered back that indeed that would be great and she sent the message along with a link telling all the good health benefits of sweet potatoes and a few minutes later, a link telling all about the benefits of nutmeg.
Isn't it fun when someone else buys into your silliness? I think so !
I then sent her a link about putting nutmeg in warm milk as a bedtime toddy. That sounded good to me as of course I love milk AND nutmeg. It would at least be a comforting thing to hold a warm cup of it on a chilly night, of which we don't have here yet, but I certainly am not rushing THAT.
Maybe I will try out my theories and see if I appear to be like, 10 years younger after a while. I'll let you know how that works out.


I hope you have all been having a happy week.
Love ya !


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