Happy Happy.....
The thoughts swirled slowly round and round as I lay in the bed, cozy under the covers thinking about writing a post on my birthday.
Today, if I make it till around 6 PM, I will have now lived 68 full years. What ??? Of course that's just for the physical. On the inside, I don't feel a day over 46. 🤣 Considering my 40s were some of the most fun and exciting years of my life, that's much better than it sounds.
For a few minutes, I contemplated multiple directions a post might go, each time ending with....nahhhhh..... I don't think so, but I have really lived through some amazing years of progress and new discoveries in the world. So many things used randomly daily now, the average, the norm.....didn't exist in my early life. It's been amazing to see all the changes.
(currently my favorite cup, a McCoy, with a classic shape)
When I got up, nearly an hour ago now...(wow, it feels like only maybe a half hour), I quietly padded to the kitchen to put on some coffee and open the blinds in the living room. This morning, it is beautiful outside, bright and sunny with blue skies....but only 24 degrees! BRRRRrrrrr..... oh winter....you are my least favorite, in fact, the word favorite and winter don't belong in the same sentence. Still, I sat here and wrote on my gingerbread note pad "Embrace Winter" I'm not sure how to do that, but I'm sure life would feel better if I only knew how.... I mean, if I only wanted too! LOL
It actually snowed a few days ago. First time this year. it really wasn't a lot, but it did show on porches and in random areas across the grass. Yes, I think it is pretty when it snows. I'm fine with snow, as long as I don't need to drive in it.
It froze the rain water that was in the birdbath around some glass floats. I thought it made an interesting photo, especially when you see the water close up. Click on it!
I usually write descriptions before a photo I add... what?.... While my coffee was perking, I took some photos of bits of the vintage aluminum tree that is still up in the kitchen. I am in no hurry to take it down. It's so beautiful and sparkly....and nearly as old as me!
Time to switch back, words before photo. I picked up some collage paper pieces on the art desk to move them and they landed like this. I thought, maybe I should try to glue them down in the order in which they fell.... but I haven't yet. Over December I didn't get in a creative mood much, not sure why. With my various days off, I certainly had time, but I did not spend it that way. I am being pulled back a little to want to do some paintings that don't include collage, like I was before I started playing in collage. New things to try maybe, but we'll see. What I think one day, frequently changes the next. The beauty of being able to change one's mind.
Initially, my kinda sorta plan for this morning was to go ramble around in a store called Home Goods. I have been in one in another city many years back, but now there is a new one here and I haven't been there yet. It seemed like a fun thing to do and this time, if I see something I like, I can actually afford to buy it. LOL ! I am in the market for a new cooking pot, a size I seem to need now and then, but don't have. That and, whims, I might need to make a whim buy or two or..... who knows, I might not see anything I want or need. Either way, it is fun to see new stuff. I waffled on the idea late last night and this morning because ... COLD!!! ...24 degrees still at 10 am. It is SO tempting not to get dressed and not to go out, but I'm warming up again (on the inside) on the idea of actually going out.
So... no aged words of wisdom or famous stories this time. Just enjoying every morning when I wake up and think "Hey look! I'm still here ! 😂
I hope you have a wonderful day, however you choose to spend it, while I contemplate Embracing Winter..... with a momentary frown on my face. ha ha
Love you ! Mean it !
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