Another Simple Collage..... And Beach Money For Mom
(UPATED ART) It's Labor Day here and a paid holiday from the company I work for. Although I do know the initial intent, I laugh and say maybe it should really be "No Labor Day" since it is considered a holiday and many folks like me are enjoying a day off.
As always, I played at my art table last night and continued to practice making pure and simple collages. They are all built from various papers I have previously painted using my brushes or stencils or the gel press. This was one of last night's creations.
UPDATE: When I posted this piece of art I was sure it was finished, but the day after I posted it, I was sure it still needed something, so this is how it ended up.
Of course once I added the "accessories" I wondered if it might now look better upside down from how I created it.
Ok, back to the original part. 😂
My younger brother and his family take a beach trip once a year. For the last few years, now that his children are married, out and have small children of their own, he has rented a huge house on the beach for them all vacation for a week together once a year. The last couple of years, he has also invited my Mom to go with them and she has. He has 10 Grandchildren with ages from barely past infant to about 14 years old. Add in the adults and well.... that there is going to be a full house with LOTS of energy going on.
This year's trip will be in 2 weeks. Last year it crossed my mind to hand Mom a couple hundred dollars for "beach money" in the nature of having fond memories when we were children of having a little personal spending money to fritter away while vacationing.
Growing up, Mom and Dad would let us "earn" some beach money in the month or two ahead of vacation, by doing some extra chores that we would have had to do anyway. ha ...snapping or shelling buckets of beans from Dad's garden, doing extra little cleaning projects and the such. It was all in fun and helping to teach us to earn some of what we got. Anyway....
So last year ahead of the beach trip, like I said, I gave her some spending money. I told her it was in case she wanted to buy a $20 candy apple or something.😂 That was really a bit of a joke, but you know how over priced everything is near the beach and other tourist attractions. When she got back from the trip, she had spent most of it buying fresh flounder and freezing it to cook and share with different ones of us when she got back ! Ain't that just like something a Mom would do? Truly, at her age, she is not in need of much and souvenir trinkets don't hold much of a draw anymore.
I had to laugh, but I also enjoyed it very much when she cooked some of it up to perfection for a meal for us. Yum !
Tomorrow I will work half a day, go have some blood drawn for a routine doctor visit next Friday and stop at the bank to get out some beach mad-money to give to Mom next weekend. She will say I shouldn't, but she'll take it anyway. 🤣
I wonder if we'll be having a nice fish dinner by the end of the month. LOL....
I think I will load the dishwasher and get it running, but that is all I plan to do under the "chores" category today, as it IS a holiday and should mostly be spent not working or doing chores. The world, according to me !
Hope you are all doing well.
Love ya!
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