My first ogu Harvest
Happy Tuesday good people of agricultural Mindset, i am here to share about my first ogu harvest after 2 month since i planted it.
I have been planting ogu for every year and i am happy to practice agriculture in my life. I really feel happy about my ogu because its grow well and it belong to me and i can also have access to it anytime i want to make use of it.
Instead of going to market to buy i can always get it from my farm. Ogu is a vegetable i love so much because it's blood booster when consuming it. Like me i cannot cook any type of food without putting vegetables especially ogu.
I really want the best for my ogu that is why i choose to carry up so that it can grow well.
The harvesting ogu i want to use it and prepare a delicious vegetable soup and i want you guys to come and joy me.
