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Hamas Plans to Host a Propaganda Session on Zoom


israellycoolblog773.2011 months ago3 min read


Husam Badran is a bad man.

Badran currently serves as the international spokesperson for Hamas from the safety of Qatar, where he incites and spreads terror propaganda. Not that he has never got his "hands dirty" before.

As the leader of Hamas’ military wing in the northern West Bank, Husam Badran was the instigator of several of the deadliest suicide bombings of the second intifada, including the 2001 bombing attacks on a Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem (15 killed), the Dolphinarium discotheque bombing in Tel Aviv (21 killed), the 2002 suicide bombings of a Passover seder at the Park Hotel in Netanya (30 killed) and the bombing of the Matza restaurant in Haifa (15 killed). More than 100 people were killed in terrorist attacks directed by Badran.

As I said, a bad man.

And he's planning to hold a Zoom webinar today, which was advertised on their Telegram channels:

مجزرة الصهيونيّة مستمرة…المقاومة الفلسطينيّة مستمرة
طوفان الأقصى: رؤية المقاومة حول التطورات السياسية والميدانية
ضيف الندوة: الأخ حسام بدران/ عضو المكتب السياسي ورئيس مكتب العلاقات الوطنية في حركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس)
الخميس 2 نوفمبر - تشرين الثاني 2023
السّاعة الثامنة مساءً بتوقيت فلسطين المحتلة
للتسجيل في الندوة:
يجري نقل الندوة إلى الانجليزية والفرنسية والاسبانية وغيرها من لغات أجنبية

PALESTINE MEDIA EPISODE 1:You've heard what the media has to say. We think it's critical that you also have the opportunity to hear what the Palestinian resistance has to say, directly.

Join us for a webinar on Thursday, 2 November 2023 with Hossam Badran, head of the National Relations Office of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement.

11 am Pacific, 2 pm Eastern, 7 pm Europe, 8 pm Palestine time.

Register: https://bit.ly/hearpalestine

This webinar will take place in Arabic with translation to English and other languages.

The fact they will hold the webinar with translations to "English and other language" shows just how Hamas are trying to poison the minds of people in the West.

It should also be noted that the Zoom registration form makes no mention of Hamas.


The reason for this is almost certainly because they realize they contravene Zoom's guidelines, which prohibit terror organizations.

It would be such a shame if someone notified Zoom of this attempt.

I already have; feel free to join me: [email protected]


2/11/23 17:58: The registration link no longer takes you to a registration form, which might be a sign Zoom blocked it. Or that they no longer need you to register...

2/11/23 19:20: The link now longer works at all, so it seems almost certain Zoom have blocked it.

2/11/23 23:40: Confirmed


Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://www.israellycool.com/2023/11/02/hamas-plans-to-host-a-propaganda-session-on-zoom/


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