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Hive Stock Images - Various Boats From Different Angle and View


iqbalnindol334.803 years agoPeakD4 min read

#boat is a #watercraft that consist of a large range of types and sizes, which is used to move cargo, passengers, and many more activities. During my time on Banyak Islands and Simeulue Island, I spotted a lot of boats and captured some pictures of them as my collection.

So today, I would like to share those collections with the Stock images Community.
As a note, all the pictures can be freely used only on Hive Ecosystem.
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Medium-Sized Fishing Boat
I don't know the official name of this boat, so I'm gonna call it a medium-sized #fishingboat. I assume the size of this boat was 3 up to 4 gross tonnage (GT). The #sailing time of this boat is generally 3 days (in normal weather conditions). I also didn't know the type of fishing gear the #fishermen use on this boat, but their catches are generally pelagic fish, octopus, and several other types of reef fish. This boat is driven by a diesel engine which is usually taken from a truck. Because it uses diesel as its fuel, the fuel costs incurred are quite efficient. Generally, there are 4-7 people on one fishing trip.

Small-Sized Boat (Robin)
Moving from the medium-sized boat, I call this a small-sized boat. Local people on both islands, call this boat Robin. The word is referring to any small-sized boat whether the one that uses an engine or the one that didn't. This boat is also the most common type of watercraft here. We can easily find this boat in every place that has a #pier.



In Simeulue Island this ship is mainly used as transportation for fishing activities. On several occasions, this boat is also used to transport villagers from one island to another. While in Banyak Islands, because the location is identical to a tourist area, the use of this boat is quite balanced between being used as transportation for fishing activities and to take tourists around and visiting various islands in this archipelago. The size of the robin usually does not reach 1 GT and fishing activities are generally carried out in a duration of 6-10 hours. This boat is powered by a 5-13 Horse Power (HP) propulsion engine.

Light Fishing Boat (Bagan)
The next one is Light Fishing Boat. This drug is also known as the chart both at the local and national levels. This boat operates at night and as the name suggests, this boat relies on light (sourced from fluorescent lamps) to catch fish. This boat is equipped with so many lights on the right and left and will be turned on when operating. The light produced will attract the attention of the fish in the sea and when the fish are near the boat, the fishermen will cast nets to catch them.




This ship also has several types. What I commonly find in Banyak Islands and Simeulue are bagan rakit (as seen on the first to the third picture in this section). The hallmark of this type is the presence of 2 boards stretching on the right and left which are used as a counterweight and also a place to hang the fluorescent lights. The boat in the last picture is called bagan apung. This type combines 2 boats in operation. I don't have a deep understanding of why the 2 boats are combined, but visually and from my understanding it can provide a more stable balance when compared to a bagan rakit.

Fiberglass Boat
I call it a Fiberglass Boat because almost all of its parts are made using Fiberglass material. As far as I know, this type has a very diverse size and type. But unfortunately I only have 2 pictures of this type of boat. This boat is generally used to carry passengers for various activities such as sightseeing, patrolling, and other things.

The materials used in this type of boat are lighter and more durable than boats built using wood. However, the cost required to make a boat with this material is very expensive. Boats with this material are generally only owned by tourism business actors and government agencies that have activities in water areas such as the ministry of maritime affairs and fisheries, water police, and else.
That's all I can share for now. Hope everyone likes it. I will be very happy to get your feedback so that my posts will get better and more interesting. See you on the next post everyone!


iPhone XRAdobe LightroomBanyak Islands & Simeulue Island




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