
Reading book isn't useless

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intishar2.7 K3 years ago5 min read


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Knowledge is power. We can acquire knowledge from everything but we started to take knowledge about the whole world through book in the beginning. Because of this It's called that book is the storehouse of knowledge . We can gain various kind of knowledge by reading a book. So that we can say that book is the only easy way to acquiring knowledge.

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But in recent time people generally don't interested in reading book because most of people are busy in Smartphone and almost addicted in playing online video games scrolling Facebook WhatsApp++++ bla ,bla,bla+++ . Using those we are killing our most valuable time and it's not helpful for us in most of time.

I am not talking about only textual book which we read only for passing in our academic exam. I am talking about almost all kind of book. It can be textual or non textual. Topic can be science fiction, story ,drama, autobiography of any book. Anyone can read book on the basis of their interest. I think every people need to to read non textual book besides reading textual books because it helps us to increasing our knowledge and it's necessary also.


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Using smartphones ,laptop, PC have side effects and using those for long time is really harmful for our health. Expert suggest everyone not to use those device for a long time. But where we are't listening and we are so addicted in those device that we can't think of our single day without those device. Do we just used those device for our work purpose? The answer is" no". We all know that it's not beneficial for us but still we we are doing this and wasting our valuable time which is very precious . But if you come about knowledge which we can acquire from reading book must be beneficial sometimes . It can be today or it can be tomorrow but it never go waste . I can give you garruntee about this and I think you also know about it very well.


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Here I am sharing a little story of mine and how I became interested in reading book. At the beginning I never interested in non textual book because I become bored after read textual book. One of my teachers suggested me to read some pages of non textual book everyday and he also said that any kind of book can give you knowledge. After that I started to follow what my teacher said. After following this I started to feel interest to read book and within few weeks I almost became a book addicted person . After reading several kind of book I could understand that I can gain huge knowledge and lesson by reading books which made me more interested to read book more and more. It's my little story. But I am sharing lesson i could learn by reading books.


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You can't complete every book in a single day because some book is so lengthy that it take some week minimum for several month also depending on how much you are reading. If you are not a book addicted person some book take several week to read. If you wanna complete reading those book, you have to be patience because without it you can't complete the book. So book will help you to increase your patience. In my case I have experienced this personally. Besides book help you to stay clam. Patience and staying clam in real life is very important which helps us to take right decision .

A book help you to to increase your thinking power means imagination power and help you to make a beautiful mind. If your thinking power increase it will help you almost every time. Positive thinking is very important to lead a happy life because we all know that "think positive, positive thing will happen with you" . In most cases this line is true.

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Friends is one of the most important one in our whole life. And book is called the best friend of us. Do you know why it's called? I am sharing about it from my point of view. We all know that friend is important. We can't think about our life without friend. A true friend always stay with us in any kind of situation and try to help us as much as we can. But at the same time friend can betray with us. They can be turn our enemy in various kind of situation.
But book never betray with us and always stay with us providing wisdom and knowledge of it.
At last I want to say one thing that you should make a practice to read book everyday to lead a happy and peaceful life. Thank you for patiently reading .


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