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Women And Their Significant: Invest In Women And Hasten Progress [International Women's Day]

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inibless684.124 months ago4 min read

Today has been set aside to be celebrated globally as international women's day, the significance of women in the world can't be measured neither overemphasized, the gift of women or their presence has great impact. As young man who grew up in the midst of women, single handedly brought up by a single mother, I can attest to the significant and impact displayed by women in our society, they deserve to be celebrated everyday.


Most times, I tend to imagine a society without women, how would such society be? women are too significant to be without, I've observed that they great so impact in wherever they tent to be recognized and mostly, I don't know whether it's because the bore the pains during childbearing, they really understood the emotional and psychological trauma of their children and husband even without being told.

Women, starting from girls, lady, woman to mothers has made great significant contributions to the growth, development and sustainability in the society across various and all domains, including politics cycle, educational system, science world, field of arts, and business environment. One of the ways to which their impact seen with evidents in the advancement of gender equality, advocating social change, and fostering economic growth through women participation in productive activities. Advocating for women's rights as result in social change which to breaks the limit or ceiling that prevented women from playing their crucial role in shaping the world/society in which we live in.


This year international women's day theme for Celebration is Invest in women: Accelerate progress This year's theme called for the need to invest more women's education, health, emotional and psychological wellbeing whereby it helps to accelerate the progress of societal development and sustainability. One of the aims of international women's day celebration is to their long term objectives of achieving gender equality and women’s well-being in all aspects of life.

Meanwhile, for any society, country or nations to achieve prosperous economies and economics development, they have to be more intentional not neglect the investment in women's education and well-being, it is by this investment, that they can be able to accelerate the progress of achieving societal goals and development. Also, women raised alarm over $360 billion annual deficit in gender-equality measures by 2030 according to United Nations at least, this is why the world, nations and countries should invest more women, they have more than enough to offer.


In today's International Women's day celebration, they have five areas they needed urgent/joint actions.

* Investing in women, a human rights issue: Time is running out. Gender equality is the greatest human rights challenge, benefiting everyone.

  • Ending poverty: Due to the COVID pandemic and conflicts, 75 million more people have fallen into severe poverty since 2020. Immediate action is crucial to prevent over 342 million women and girls living in poverty by 2030.
  • Implementing gender-responsive financing: Conflicts and rising prices may lead 75% of countries to cut public spending by 2025, negatively impacting women and their essential services.
  • Shifting to a green economy and care society: The current economic system disproportionately affects women. Advocates propose a shift to a green economy and care society to amplify women's voices.
  • Supporting feminist change-makers: Despite leading efforts, feminist organizations receive only 0.13% of official development assistance

To all the women in the world who contributed in one way or the other positively in my life, Happy international women's day, I must also appreciate the @ladiesofhive and all my ladies friends on Hive Blockchain, thank you for all the impact you have contributed so far.


~ It's always my pleasure to share with you guys here, thank you very much for being a part of my progress on Hive Blockchain technology by visiting my blog to read my posts. I really appreciate your effort of love, your comment is a way of motivation. Thank you visiting my blog. I'm @inibless.



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