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Auragraph for A Gal Who Keeps Secrets...

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in2itiveart1.5 K4 years agoPeakD26 min read



You have 2 Law Cards in your reading so it is important. This Oracle is a Natural Law Oracle

Natural Law is a set of Universal, inherent, objective, non-man-made, eternal, and immutable conditions which govern the consequences of behavior for intelligent species; meaning beings that are capable of coming to an understanding of Self /Consciousness, and are also capable of understanding the objective difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior towards themselves and other beings.

If we choose to live in accordance with them, we can live happily and peacefully on earth and not cause harm to other beings or the earth. If we act in violation of these Principles our lives will be hard – the Universe balances the books.

You are coming to an end of the time when you can use dishonesty and selfishness to run your life. There is a difference between privacy and keeping secrets. Keeping secrets from others about information they need to make an informed decision is called coercion – and it is a violation of Natural Law and has consequences in your personal life as I will show later in this reading…

It just is not working anymore. It is causing you confusion. Like Shakespeare says “To this above all: to thine own Self be true, and it must follow as the night, the day, Thou cans’t not then be false to any man.” In other words – The Law of Correspondence: As above, so below – if you are dishonest with others- you then are dishonest with yourself – and that causes confusion in your life.

This is the Law of Cause and Effect at work. The Cause is in the Spiritual Realm and the effect materializes here in the 3rd dimension.

You need to be able to follow your Intuition, and to do that you have to be honest and clean off your side of the street and keep it clean, so that your Intuitive powers will not be blocked by past actions that caused harm. You also have to learn to trust your Intuition… and then act on it. Acting on it confirms your trust in it. To do that, I am going to suggest Meditation and Prayer. I go into that later on in the document.

“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”–The Kybalion

“Nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there are many Planes of Causation, and one may use the laws of the higher to overcome the laws of the lower.“–The Kybalion.

By an understanding of the practice of Polarization (The Law of Polarity), the Hermetists rise to a higher plane of Causation and thus counter-balance the laws of the lower planes of Causation. By rising above the plane of ordinary Causes they become themselves, in a degree, Causes instead
of being merely Caused. By being able to master their own moods and feelings, and by being able to neutralize Rhythm, they are able to escape a great part of the operations of Cause and Effect on the ordinary plane.

The masses of people are carried along, obedient to their environment; the wills and desires of others stronger than themselves; the effect of inherited tendencies; the suggestions of those about them; and other outward causes; which tend to move them about on the chess-board of life like mere pawns.

By rising above these influencing causes, the advanced Hermeticists seek a higher plane of mental action, and by dominating their moods, emotions, impulses and feelings, they create for themselves new characters, qualities and powers, by which they overcome their ordinary environment, and thus become practically players instead of mere Pawns.

Such people help to play the game of life understandingly, instead of being moved about this way and that way by stronger influences and powers and wills. They use the Principle of Cause and Effect, instead of being used by it. Of course, even the highest are subject to the Principle as it manifests on the higher planes, but on the lower planes of activity, they are Masters instead of Slaves.” -** The Kybalion**

The reason I am quoting all this to you is to show you that there IS a way to rise above Cause and Effect but there are conditions that you must follow within Natural Law in order to become a Master of your own mind. If you live this way, you will then not have to lie and hide and then bring confusion on yourself. You can be free.

The Law of Polarity was mentioned regarding rising above Cause and Effect.

The Law of Polarity: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has Its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.“–The Kybalion.

It is possible to use Mental Transmutation which is Hermetic Alchemy, to rise above negative feelings and thoughts – it is called the Law of Neutralization. So that if you find yourself feeling down, know that everything has 2 poles and you can, using thought and prayer, repetitive mantra, raise your vibration UP to the opposite pole of thought. I am going to give you ways to do this later on in the document. Also, a great book I found recently is Divine Magic by Doreen Virtue. Her point-of-view on the Kybalion is very helpful to us. These ancient teachings can be difficult to apply – they were passed down by word of mouth and never written down – only taught to the initiated… so learning to apply them can be challenging, however, I am giving you the ways I have been doing it for the last 25 + years – and I know how to do it… so you can learn too!

First you have to get rid of negative thinking altogether, and I will enclose an exercise to help with that.
At the same time as you get rid of negative thinking however, you also must clean up the harms caused to others because the negative thinking will not go easily until all reparations are made.

 The Law of Polarization and Hermetic Mental Alchemy are processes which take time to learn but the basis of these are first to get rid of negative thinking, and clean up the wreckage of your past – which I will get into later, as we look at the Auragraph.
First things first: This stuff should have been taught to us in school but it has been intentionally left out of our learning process – pretty much you have to stumble upon it by seeking a different way of living to even come near it. It has been occulted...hidden.

You are in the arms of your Guardian. You are a butterfly. Or you are destined to be a butterfly. You are still in the cocoon because you have cleanup work to do in your life.

The Butterfly has GREAT significance in the occult world: Using GREEN language - the language of the birds - the MONARCH butterfly - monarch is royalty - inner monarchy vs. external monarchy - freedom vs. slavery - the inner monarch means that I (eye) the THIRD EYE - has dominance over the self - the Self rules the self - and therefore has no need for external govern - ment. The word government means - ment is mind - mind-control - that is either inner or outer - A MONARCH Butterfly is either ruled by an appointed authority OR by God. The process of the butterfly is that it starts out as a caterpillar, usually very destructive eating it's way thoughtlessly killing and destroying a multitude of plants - then it builds it's cocoon and goes to sleep for a while and during that time it becomes a big ugly bug and then as it wakes up and eats it's way out of it's own cocoon it is transformed into a beautiful creature - and as with the monarch - that migrates - flies hundreds of miles in it's lifetime - bringing light and beauty wherever it goes- symbolically it is the human process as well - and an ENLIGHTENED butterfly brings GREAT energy and power - raising the frequency on the planet.

Let’s look at the term occult for a moment – in case that word scared you – the world itself simply means hidden – from the root word occulus which means eye – the word occult means hidden. Hidden knowledge. Ignorant people, at the effect of their emotions and traumas are a lot easier to control……….

There is also a figure from your passed that is casting a shadow on your present – a male. This may be the source of your trauma.

His eye creates an eye in the palm of your hand – which indicates that you have psychic ability. Psychic ability often is triggered by traumatic events. The spirit, unable to cope with the situation at hand, so to speak, rises into the higher soul levels and begins to receive messages from other entities. This is what may have happened with you. You have latent psychic ability that you may develop.

If you follow these principles as I have outlined, your psychic ability will naturally develop.

There is a snake – which refers to necessary shadow work that needs to be done: The snake represents based desire and transformation – because the snake can shed it’s skin.

What is Shadow Work?

Everything is made of energy: Light. The earth, the sun, all sentient beings, all objects that are not sentient. When an object blocks the light, it creates a “Shadow”.

The lower the frequency of energy, the more “solid” it appears and the more solid creates a darker shadow when struck with light from the other side. Take a rock and a balloon – a rock creates a dark black shadow, while a balloon, which is transparent, creates a transparent shadow. The higher the frequency of the energy, there is either no shadow, or a more transparent shadow. Low frequency energy equals a solid which equals a solid dark shadow, when blasted with light from the opposite side.

The term Shadow Work is an allegorical statement regarding Light and “enlightenment” vs. Dark “shadows”; meaning that the egoic nature of low frequency actions which are simply repeated over and over, are stuck and never change because of unresolved ideas and issues that continue to play out over a long period of time, causing harm to the being who has the shadow and to other beings who are in relationship to it.

Shadow Work is the toil by which a conscious being investigates to bring the low frequency energy to high frequency to eliminate the Shadow and bring about a state of “enlightenment”.

Direction for Meditation and Prayer

The solution is that you let God be the Director of your life, then things will go much better for you, because you will always know what to do because you will be guided by a Power greater than you that has your best interest in mind for the Highest Good of all concerned.

A good place to start would be MEDITATION and PRAYER. Start with a few minutes of silent meditation in the morning and at night - and increase it as you can. You can count backward from 25 and try to see the numbers in your head- this will block other thoughts from coming in. The purpose
of meditation is to get out of the ego self and into the observer self so that you are no longer attached to ideas that you believe are real… and you can get into the silence - this does take practice. Yoga can
help with this as well. Breathing into your stuck points in your body while doing a stretch can help you find mental silence.

Prayer on the other hand is for throughout the day - and it requires practice to become a working part of your life - Asking at each point when you set out to do something - what is God's Will in this situation?
Pausing and waiting and then looking for the answer in signs or intuition, chance meetings or things that come from outside you to start with ... You can do this with minutia as well as big decisions. Practice at the grocery store when standing in front of the bread isle – there are so many choices - God, what kind of bread should I buy? and then pause and wait to see which bread seems right. It takes practice. The finite mind is not going to want to give up it's status as the ruler - so it might be confusing and frustrating but the more you practice the more it will become a working part of the mind...

Even making mistakes shows you are trying and you will get great rewards
from that -

Acknowledging these miracles - by writing them down - makes them more and more believable - not something to be brushed off as "coincidence" - or not even noticed -

In addition, during this "crisis" we are in - you could Pray for a simple way you could be helpful to others - and for the ability to let go of the results - you do not know what is best for others - but you
can be helpful to them in some way -

This will get you out of yourself and let the Higher Power have a chance to work out the right decision for you - so that you will know what to do when you need to know it...

Once you have a few experiences with this – ask what your Shadow Work is and ask to be brought to it’s solution. Then watch for the answers to show up.

Understand that there are Universal Spiritual Laws governing us – we don’t get taught this in school or anywhere. It used to be that our parents taught us these laws of morality and we did learn them through old TV shows – old westerns and old black and white shows from childhood have a moral to every story – fables – the purpose of which was not to entertain but to teach us a lesson – that seems to have been eradicated from culture now.

However, we can claim knowledge of these Natural Laws by looking into ancient history for them.

As I said before in the Oracle reading – I am going to give you a bit more on Natural Law – a basis to go on...

I am giving you this information because it is a strong part of my heritage as a healer. It is the result of years of study and practice that I concluded that I had to get this information out there to people. I have been living by Universal Spiritual principles for over 25 years and it has made all the difference in my life – coming from a lot of violence and misunderstanding from my family of origin as well as society and with really no help from “school” even though I got a Masters Degree - I never learned these fundamental principles that I believe we all should be taught as kids so that we can become self-governing – so when I did find them – and learned how to use them, I resolved to share them.

When I say “self-governing” what I mean is that I know right from wrong and I know how to apply that in every situation so I know how to act in every situation and if I make a mistake I know how to rectify it so that I am in alignment with the Universe and so I attract good things to myself and I repel negative circumstances. Living by these principles gives me access to God in a new way. I embody God. I feel Him in my heart and in my gut all the time. He tells me if I am doing something wrong – through my feelings and through intuitive thought. He also tells me if I am doing something right!

This is the real Law of Attraction. It is at the basis of religion so it should not conflict with anyone’s belief system. The Secret painted a picture of the Law of Attraction which did not include these fundamental points that are so important. My side of the street has to be clean if I expect to attract good things into my life. There are so many other Laws involved -

**What is Natural Law? **
As I said before...
Natural Law is Universal spiritual principles which govern the consequences of behavior for intelligent species.
If the masses knew and understood these laws – then we would not need to be governed – that’s why this knowledge is hidden. If each individual knew that there were these Laws in Nature and we adhered to them – individually – we could live FREE – without external governors. That is why the powers that be want us to believe that Nature is “kill or be killed” - because they don’t want to lose their power over us!
These Spiritual Principles have had many different names in many different traditions throughout the world in different times in history. Some examples are:
Law of Cause and Effect:
– “Effect invariably follows cause.”
– “For every action, there exists an equal and opposing reaction.”
Law of Attraction
– “The energy you emit is the energy you attract.”
– “Energy flows where attention goes.”
Law of Correspondence
– “As above, so below. As within, so without.”
Karmic Law or Moral Law:
“You reap what you sow.”
The Golden Rule:
– “Do not do to others as you would prefer not to have done onto you.”
– “As you think, feel, and act – so you shall be.”
Other Laws found in the Kybalion which can be downloaded for free at https://www.kybalion.org/TheKybalion.pdf

Transgressions from Spiritual Principles
Harmful Actions:
• Murder / Assault – Ending a life without the right to do so. If a being is killed in the act of somebody defending themselves, it is not murder. Under no possible circumstance does the “right to murder” or the “right to assault” exist. However, the right to defend oneself through physical force exists at all times.
• Rape – Coercing the free will of another being, and making them sexually associate
with whom they wish not to.
• Theft – Taking what another being has created or acquired through lawful means,
which is their property for as long as they are using it and being responsible for it. You have no right to just take something that does not belong to you.
• Trespass – Every being has the right to set aside a (reasonably sized) space for
themselves. And invading this area without permission or consent would be invading
their privacy and their personal space, while taking away their security in the process.
• Coercion – Forcing another being through threat of violence to have their will comply
with yours, whether they wish that to be the case or not. Making another being do
something against their will is not a right.
Although this is already a short and seemingly simple list, all these transgressions can ultimately be narrowed down to just one wrong-doing: Theft.
Seems pretty stuffy and remote? Well, have you ever broken a promise? Broken someone’s heart? Borrowed something and not returned it? Not paid off a debt to another individual? Taken something that did not belong to you? Faked an orgasm? Read someone’s text message or journal without permission? Been violent in the heat of anger? Have you ever, in trying to get your way, not given someone all the information? Have you committed any crimes and gotten away with them? Do you use credit cards, for example? – that is “spending your future” – do you have credit card debt? And yet – credit cards are a part of society so deeply ingrained that it if you don’t have one and you don’t have a credit score, you are frowned upon by your peers.
This list refers to other beings rather than just humans, making us question how we treat animals and the every thing on earth and the Earth Herself - Gaia. What makes us believe we have that right to do the things we do? And we have to be thoughtful, for example of the things we buy – where was it made? How was it made? What is it made of? Can items really be “thrown away”? Do we do things out of convenience that cause harm? Are there things that we have always known that we do by rote that cause harm?
There are personal consequences that fall upon you for violating these spiritual principles – that’s why you might want to want to know what they are so that you can modify your lifestyle to be in accordance with them. I am a meat-eater, for example. But, I make an incredibly strenuous effort to make sure that the beef and chicken I eat was raised and killed in as humanely a manner as possible! That has been a long project of exploration to educate myself on food production – but why not? I want to live in alignment with Natural Law. I may not be a meat-eater forever.
What about the dark agenda being perpetrated upon us through media “kill or be killed – the law of Nature”. Is that really the law of Nature? That is Darwinian evolutionary ideology - “survival of the fittest”, but is that really true? Not necessarily. In a wolf pack, for example, when an elderly wolf is sick, the pack puts it at the front of the pack and guards it with the whole pack. Darwin is way off in a lot of respects but has fostered a great fear in us, of Nature, which is unfounded.
We have unalienable rights – the rights to liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness – these words meant something much different in 1776 than they do now:
Happiness, for example, meant “well-being” and now it means “prosperity”. Therefore – the definition of that sentence – used to mean the pursuit of well-being and now it means the pursuit of money – as if money is going to buy you happiness.
Rights can’t be granted to human beings by other human beings, because rights don’t come from human beings; everybody is born with exactly the same rights. Remember, in the Declaration of Independence, of the United States of America, it states “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These “unalienable Rights” were not granted to us by Government – and they existed long before the Declaration of Independence. They were granted by the Creator.
The foundations of this country, however were developed by philosophers such as John Locke and Thomas Hobbes - https://www.nlnrac.org/earlymodern/locke/documents/second-treatise – based on philosophy of how human beings should and could be free. How we should and could treat one another.
If, however, we misuse our rights, we will pay a spiritual price. The idea is to get back in alignment with those principles so that we can live peacefully and abundantly and purposefully in society together. That is the people’s right. We are fed opposing principles by the powers that should not be, subtly, through television (tell-a-vision – or tell-lie-vision) programming as well as social media. Social media could never happen in Nature. Subtle and unethical principles are sent out to us through this “programming” and we are programmed to take on these ideas. When we act on or live by these ideas, we live in disharmony with each other and Nature.
I am sure you have noticed recently how dark TV has become – or Netflix for that matter? These companies are owned by a monopoly – a very small handful of people own all the networks and they are sending out an agenda of darkness, fear, and slavery. Why? Regardless of why – I don’t want to live that way – so I choose to live by spiritual principles instead.
It is up to US as individuals to recognize that we have a choice in this matter and that there are underlying spiritual principles that we can live by ourselves that will lead us to satisfying lives.
Spiritual Principles, or the difference between right and wrong behavior, always hold true regardless of a population culture. This means that it doesn’t matter how many people agree that a wrong action can be turned into a right action, or that a right action can be turned into a wrong action. Such things can never be done in reality. People can only believe that they can fly if they jump out of the window – but it does not make it so. Then we wonder why our lives are so hard?
When in doubt as to whether an action is, or is not in harmony with Spiritual Principles, visualize the scenario of a world with only two people. If the behavior is a right or a wrong in that instance, it shall forever remain a right or a wrong in any size population; regardless of how many people may believe otherwise. So, if the action is a right for one person to do toward another, it shall always remain a right. And if the action is a wrong for one person to do toward another, it shall always remain a wrong, regardless of the number of people involved. Remember – the Declaration of Independence says God doesn’t have grand-kids.
There is much more written and discussed about Spiritual Principles. When you live by them, your life becomes easier because you are living by Truth.
A simple way to get back into alignment with Spiritual Principles:

  1. Write down all the people you are mad with a pen on paper.

  2. Next to each name, write down all the things that person did to you in detailed complete sentences.

  3. Now, write down all the things you did to them, using the Spiritual Principles transgressions as a guide. If you did not do anything to them, make sure that you have not done what you are mad at them for doing, to someone else. Be honest and thorough. The Universe knows what you have done, and balanced the books a long time ago, by making your life hard, so not writing something down will only be you short-changing yourself.

  4. Write down all the people who were affected by what you did, and all the Spiritual Principles transgressions you caused them.

  5. Now, go out and make matters right with all those people. Pay back the money you owe, time you stole. Apologize to the people you broke promises to and keep the promises. Make restitution for crimes you committed that you were not caught for – balance the books with the people you have harmed.
    Make sure that as you do this, you are not causing any harm to the people currently in your life. For example, if you owe money, make sure that paying it back does not cut in to the money you need to support your family, etc. As you begin to do this, your life will begin to get back in alignment with Spiritual Principles and things will get better for you.
    If you need help with this process, you can contact me and I will help you with it, free of charge.
    After you have cleaned up the mistakes form the past, continue to keep your side of the street clean – through daily review to make sure that you are not transgressing any Natural Law principles… with each interaction with others, pause and make sure you are not causing harm… and things in your life will be magical because your Spiritual Channel will be open and clear and you will be in alignment with Nature, God, Spirit. In this case, your psychic abilities will be strengthened and heightened.

Ways to Raise Your Vibration

  1. Making Reparations for Harms Caused – as discussed above.
  2. Gratitude – acknowledging what you are grateful for throughout the day or in a nightly review
  3. Selfless Service – give your service that you want to be paid for, away for free – or do other acts of service – the more you give the more you get. Mimicking Nature – give with no thought of reward. Give with no agenda for the outcome for the other person. Be helpful to your neighbor or family members. Ask God how you can be helpful to others and keep it a secret.
  4. Talismans – like affirmations – talismans like the ones I make – speak to your subconscious mind through symbolism. You can make them for yourself – to align your subconscious to the Higher Good.
  5. Meditation and Prayer – Meditation brings your consciousness back to a zero point of emptiness so you can look at what IS from without all your perceptions, fears and beliefs.
  6. Affirmations and Positive Thoughts – Florence Scovel Shinn, a late 1800s New Thought writer, for example, wrote many wonderful positive affirmation that you can repeat over and over until you believe them in your heart.
  7. Walking Outside in Nature
  8. Yoga
  9. Eat living food – eat more living food than dead food – get rid of the cruelty factor in the food you take in.
  10. Eradicate Negative Thoughts – Emmet Fox 7-day Mental Diet. Which I will include.
  11. Review your day at night to make sure you caused no harms to others.

The talisman I am going to suggest for you is I have a physical, emotional, and spiritual connection to God, and I always know what to do.




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