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Unwrapping pHBD via the Multi-Token Bridge


ifarmgirl-leo869.502 years ago3 min read


The launching of Liquidity Pools for $HIVE and HBD on CUBFinance made me think for sometime and after wrapping and pooling a small amount of bHBD into the bHBD-BUSD some days ago, I decided to add to it today by taking some of what I have on Polygon.

My reasons?

  • To easily and quickly take advantage of any future pumps by HBD. My recent experience in Polygon compelled me to do so. Sometimes Polygon network can be really slow and transactions can take longer or getting stuck for minutes. (Based on my experience anyway.)
  • The APR on the bHBD-BUSD pool on CubFinance is quite good to let it pass.
  • You could say it's one way for me to spread or diversify my little investments in DeFi but still keeping them within the LeoFinance ecosystem
  • Lastly, to help me accumulate CUB without the need of buying it.

This is my first time to unwrap assets via the Multi-Token Bridge and just like my first wrapping experience, it was quick and really easy. I didn't need to find the tutorial on how to do it because it's simple and straightforward.

But for those who have not experienced doing so, here's how I did the unwrapping of pHBD from my Polygon wallet to my Hive account through the MTB:

  • I went to https://wleo.io (the Multi-Token Bridge address) then clicked on 'pHBD.'


 And when the Bridge window came out, I just switched it to the 'Polygon to Hive' menu and typed in my Hive account and the amount of pHBD to be unwrapped then clicked on "Transfer" which brought out my Metamask wallet where I then approved to connect.



 Clicked on 'Confirm' and I was done. The transaction got through really fast.



 Checking my Hive wallet, the native HBD was already there. The unwrapping fees has been deducted of course.


And because I didn't want the HBD to sit idle on my Hive wallet, I wrapped it immediately into bHBD and pooled it into bHBD-BUSD farm in Cub Finance. I'll probably share the process on another day.

I truly appreciate the fact that the Multi-Token Bridge exist providing ways for us to transact in and out of the Hive ecosystem. Add to that, the UX is simply awesome!

I did wish there was a direct, cross-chain bridge for Hive assets that are already in Polygon and in the BNB Chain. It would be even more convenient to transfer them directly from one network to another. But who knows, LeoFinance will work on that too in the sooniverse? Well, they have the CubDefi Bridge but it's only between selected ERC-20 tokens (Ethereum chain) to three BEP-20/BSC assets (CUB, CAKE, BUSD).


There's a lot of possibilities and with Khal's vision of a $100-M LeoFinance ecosystem, I tend to believe there will be more developments coming in the future. And we're fortunate to be in this early and more so during the bear market where we can actually increase our chances of accumulating more crypto assets.

And so, I do wonder why some people keep on selling $LEO. Hmmmm...


Images are obtained on the MTB, LeoFinance and on CubDeFi Bridge.. No copyright infringement intended. 170922/20:00ph

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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