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The seventh generation is almost complete in my main game!


ibet643.243 months ago4 min read


How are you? I hope you are feeling well and are in good health too... I continue with the day to day of my sims of my main game, starting with that nice capture I made while Julie was milking the cow (which by the way, her name is Margarita), as in daily life, in the sims there are happy events and others not so much and that's what we will have in today's post...



Little Rose is growing up fast and looks just like her daddy, poor Julie with so many pregnancy woes so that the little girl ended up looking just like her daddy.


In other news, the family keeps growing and this time Natalia, who is expecting her first child with Tetsu, her very handsome husband...



Which obviously I'll go ahead and well, they had a girl they named Tsuki, which now that I think about it in this new generation always the first born is a girl, not that it's a bad thing, it's just curious because it happened since the first one who had children which is Remi....



Fernando and Julie are not wasting time, they are expecting their second child and also little Rose is no longer a little baby and can now walk and flutter around, making messes everywhere.


Between so many things, work, family, a new pregnancy, etc... Fernando lives all the time very tense and stressed.


But his daughter's smile and innocence brighten his day, no matter how hard it has been...



We got to the sad part of the post, it turns out that Angel, the mare they had adopted (yes, her name was Angel) had reached the end of her equine life and died. Poor Julie witnessed the death of one of her most beloved animals.



And apparently poor Julie seems to have gone into labor early, because right after that event she immediately went into labor and well, they had to go to the hospital... They had a cute little boy who, sorry, I don't remember what I named him... That always happens to me 🤣



Remi and Paula's eldest daughter, Vanesa, is about to receive an answer to her college application. She has not specifically been a model student or anything like that, but her parents are hoping that she will be able to enroll in college...


Remi always tries to help her with her school projects, but Vanesa is not really interested in the educational area, she doesn't even know what she wants to do, she just knows she wants to enjoy life, her parents have a lot of money anyway...



In other news, Tsuki is also growing very fast and looks like both of her parents, she is quite a quiet baby and sleeps a lot...


Also Natalia has just adopted 3 cats, an adult cat named Gumersinda and two other kittens (male and female) named Caos and Fife...


But apparently no one told Natalia that cats do what they want, Gumersinda is not a cat that exactly pays attention when they call her attention... But Natalia tries to teach her anyway.


So far I have 7 generations with this family, to be honest, I had never played with so many generations of a single family so I want to see how far I can go. I hope you liked today's post, for now I'm going to say goodbye, thank you very much for reading and see you later in another post ❤️

Translated by DeepL


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