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The Past, Present and Future LOVE


iameden59.164 years agoHive.Blog3 min read

Many of us are dreaming of a perfect love,
Something that most of us can't deny.
Many of us have dreamt of finding the perfect one,
Someone that we can love with all of our hearts.

As a kid, I loved to read fairy tales,
Praying that someday somehow,
I can find my perfect Romeo,
And I as the prettiest princess Juliet.
And would imagine an ending of happily ever after.

As I grow older, I started to think
that love was just a mirage of the mind, an illusion.
That love is fake and very impossible to find.
I wondered why, we have to suffer from pain,
betrayal and heartbreaks.
But still, I see a girl who's compassion is inevitable
and the hope of finding true love never ends.

Every day I prayed that He will show me,
what my real purpose of looking for a real love is.
Asking God to give me peace within, to be always prepared
for the right time to come, and for the right guy to find.
To love me with all of my imperfections in life,
who will accept the wholeness of me.

As time passes by, there were moments
of losing hope and faith.
But God is loving and always forgiving.
All those years of worrying and questioning Him,
He answered me and said,
"As the door of happiness closes, another opens".

Across those years, you were my love untold and told.
Those empty pages in my life,
You have filled with the words of love.
Now as I wrote your name in my heart,
I began to see, that love is real
And thus exists in me.

As I walk down the aisle,
I can see your tears falling and I knew from that moment on,
You love me with all of your heart.
As we move forward to our future life together,
I vow to make every day count,
and to always believe in the magic of love.

I vow not to give up as long as we feel that we can go on,
I vow to explore the world with you
and to take you into places that you can't imagine.
Everywhere I wanted to be,
I wanted to be there for you.
And promise not to regret everything we had
and anything we will possess, in the name of love.

As we build our family together,
we vow to our Heavenly Father,
to teach our children His words
and to always obey His Commandments,
To protect us from worldly things and persecutions.
We vow to always pray unto Him
and to always uphold our faith
and call His name so we'll never be alone.

We may not know what the future holds for us
but we are lucky indeed to find our pure true love
Blessed by our Lord God.

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