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Blockchain Poets ~ Week in Review for May 6 to May 13 ~ AMAZING Poems ~ Hive SBI Winners, PIMP winners, too


hive-1614651 K2 years agoPeakD11 min read

Here are the poems published to Blockchain Poets for the week of May 6–May 13. Let’s have a look at the poems then we will get down to the contest winner.

This Week’s Poems

Metales [ESP-ENG] by @joseitosanchezs https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/joseitosanchezs/23swbZmjozGK9ibWpns23pEgurVmUFFT4aQAntiByHYvPr3T1Q5uC3THUwCiosWPNuLYK.jpg
Días De Calor・Hot Days by @silher https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/silher/23wX7uec6zs2y36UcVjcM9h9H2ShWaYCeMUKsDbPvXjzFVXrYSAW1i8k7o4d7ihQukXnZ.jpg
[ Spa - Eng ] Divagaciones Sobre El Tiempo ⏳ Ramblings About Time by @jakim7 https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/jakim7/AJhU5trUPALASeaXDF314pFSJR3gthZ9GevGxiTwTdG612Dyr8YbxQSXhvcbtW4.png
Sunset Dreaming by @akumagai https://images.hive.blog/DQmYrySeDBQuXuu8xMss3w8gj1yinuAngVEFh9FMWLkMW1s/20230507_170515.jpg
Sunday Sea Shanty : Life at Sea by @portsundries https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://images.ecency.com/DQmPK32oj7CyWbuYgj4cc7MNFpbKL8TU2GSr9g5uKtGhJ61/s3lqctghvtj3duhtmwkp_1_d1tgw_2x.jpg
Worry by @tayoo https://images.hive.blog/DQmQACDdxrhTBCueUV2hgDFKziv7CvmysizGcxxU4BAKom1/risau-600bd4308ede483d13761b32.jpg
The Man in the Mirror by @amiegeoffrey https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/amiegeoffrey/23uQnVJrT3Bw5mFCnNtsria5fm6VbuP2CSGipRTvty24JeQqry5b9TGFvgVbozHt75onj.webp
When I Have Nothing to Write … by @boxcarblue https://images.hive.blog/DQmYfNcnkNRssFUSiQ5d4jc9C8r11zzypKNPiLkA1bf2v1V/IMG_7284.jpeg
My Girl by @maggotmilk https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/maggotmilk/EopuMLeQffoFuUkbwKswL3Pt3gEtshDjN2gUswnyAfYhYKFuBuwUoj9RrskaneuKUsb.jpg
Silence by @bigabigail https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/bigabigail/23zbm3V9sk5j9SihMXh463p31bbAWnoukjXCMBgfEiT97LF1TwtRK8WdhPUjykNx5YQ57.jpg
[ Spa - Eng ] Fragmentos Olvidados | Forgotten Fragments by @jakim7 https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/jakim7/Eo6Bdif3F48JipACuemWFR2X7zVW5Ruvuwxy5vQxbbFU3btvvPN53tkJgbeSmMJtmvh.png
Sonet: You Are Late (Soneto: Llegas Tarde) [En/ES] by @rinconpoetico7 https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rinconpoetico7/243g7JTYCB2eQBNStDe5XMFF8ouwhrCCgyDsjkz5DGEvdMFknJ7DGMxvfAtUqc37eD5NY.jpg
An Ode to Solitude by @steemtpistia https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://i.postimg.cc/m26t4xk3/Jean-Baptiste-Camille-Corot-The-Solitude-Recollection-of-Vigen-Limousin-Google-Art-Project8523.jpg
Alone Amidst the Beauty of the Night by @tayoo https://images.hive.blog/DQmStH7ZgWw4hxgCwz5GaT8HKa16Z7RzPSc1nqX2E3nMst7/l-save-20200108-144606-5e15894ed541df024e297672-1jpg20220420192803.jpeg
The Gladiator by @dwixer https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://images.ecency.com/DQmSZ7FRM2EBdXBGQ6jptWSWs3fuVjDs4ujXXZ7Nq67pnqy/gladiator_2818678_1280.jpg
The Man on the Hill by @maggotmilk https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/maggotmilk/23y8r32aQLvuTfS7QkoSDPfmgyEUw879oidXudLFKmWW6kMThgPhezmTCJkHQ1ZKuJPgY.jpg
Reality Knocking at My Door by @typebox https://images.hive.blog/DQmXkYZmSzWZhY9mETRNZZuApNPDXc9fzEuahzAya9Nj8wh/istockphoto-1360948812-612x612.jpg
Slime or Sweetness? by @kemmyb https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://images.ecency.com/DQmVncVCykvVLYixCmM3DaFe4kf1BqpeuzR8oDjS3iFim3M/img_20230510_142652.jpg
Whispers / Susurros by @edujo https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://images.ecency.com/DQmbmTzpaLa9Tv5BrhTcmXQQuEivxAhajQwSrDPwGDhjsLb/image.png
Retrato [ESP-ENG] by @joseitosanchezs https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/joseitosanchezs/23w2F2YCRd7zCGBt95FponR6cxsQz7LxihtFKDS2QRjwmb2j7hjX2W7EKth8WuWmNtXU4.jpg
[ Eng - Spa ] Drifting ✍️ a La Deriva by @jakim7 https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/jakim7/AK6X4tGczqNnNYV4P3ANGZUmUtHdG4sY1nr3AmEUoWQz6VDiDYRvAmht4Pc7SSP.jpg
What Are Kireji (Cutting Words) ~ All About Haiku by @dbooster https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://images.ecency.com/DQmfRgn2ZtexwYfbuFBnozHhGodYnQQDgrAgSQesEbYiqmH/kireji.jpg
Guiding Star - An Ambient Poem for the Space Age by @litguru https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/litguru/AKAqpM3QAKcYY7pjXapbpE6aL3Nw9GdYachugxqhF1FL8aLBrHodvQwfVPHP4ab.png
Presencia De Mi Madre Spa-Eng by @beaescribe https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://images.ecency.com/DQmUyVQgCNSf5e3tXUojn9CFcW6Y8BJyRRcVbfcCK35jqxg/presencia_de_mi_madre.png
Scratched the Same Wounds by @tayoo https://images.hive.blog/DQmWZeuckVgG45v5tKPUE5fXPYuWikVqRUGPC5nQKy1EYqB/l-images-5jpg20210523220711.jpeg
Pain !!! by @rukkie https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/rukkie/23zGcDGa8dqSqHJqbNtU7VRhirB1Kp2jDqkb4weQV2pJ66BXMQapjuKZ9a8gcVPdMh2W2.jpg
Illusions by @sofs-su https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://images.ecency.com/DQmXeBHAz8FnzcEXfLYiUykMCffangvSqytGdcBMR65ANEu/img_8559_2_.jpg
…Their Leaving, / …Gidişleri… (Eng-Tr) by @bemier https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/bemier/EnyoXpf5oDLHtZLdVx9xXyLhGRLfm52EnBrgNNreJKfxzQLWEUZp1iGQVDD2rLcmFM3.jpg
BP Weekly Prompt Entry - Pain by @maggotmilk https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/maggotmilk/23u5bTttbGmknUqBS89PcJeuM9LudmW9cwdaQcnA3CMQyhEH5QbdwRxZVV1c7rPT7j99K.jpg
[ Eng - Spa ] Posthumous Pain ✍️ Dolor Póstumo by @jakim7 https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/jakim7/23wzzQZBkKWmP8spkzKs6nwGvvKFtCrLr7gJkzjVcKyeCgFVbsXaWm2PY71G9sqYRwjNx.jpg
Forever to Endure! by @chrysanthemum https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://images.ecency.com/DQmbQBo9ykk8c9A2BXyg2ZwVGFXBY5U6ArkmuPVwD3oGfks/polish_20230512_090431981.jpg
All About You by @tayoo https://images.hive.blog/DQmbr1XtW2nxdu9roo8EMuummp6wzsGPhuubCy8AU5PrrUG/90728471_2585597965020217_1810328259997466624_n.jpg
I Remembered… by @olawalium https://images.hive.blog/DQmQAnE35RjYxiK5FCdCBmg59n9yyUHcLn9of3qAKRBFX5Y/IMG_20140615_134618.jpg
[ Eng - Spa ] What Unites Two? ☯️ ¿Qué Une a Dos? by @jakim7 https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/jakim7/AKDhK9Jy3Tj3ntA7PrXYpxvEviMM5WVCqvqkrRrHJih2XAntEmWksGTPoGbusmJ.jpg
An Ode to Hate by @steemtpistia https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto
No Pain, No Gain by @amiegeoffrey https://images.hive.blog/0x0/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/amiegeoffrey/23xp8LY2X6GGwWWiod37aSvJjmSVrrGtup6u3aU95jyvYFvswkkC4k8pcLwCPxVqgywNf.jpeg

There we go. If you have time, check them out and see what you think. And if you like any, let the author know about it by leaving a great comment!

Discord, Tags, Delegations, and Upvotes

Please remember to use both the #pimp tag and the #india (or #indiaunited) tag on your posts. Using both will increase your chances of being curated by these two places. Also, using the #PIMP tag (and doing the required comments) will make you eligible to win some pimp in these end of the week reviews. Thank you to @enginewitty for kindly donating the PIMP to the group.

Please join our discord → Here. It’s kind of quiet there right now, but we hope to grow it. So please join, share your posts in the share room, and meet your fellow poets.

For the moment, all active poets in our community will get a 100% upvote from the community account. When the voting mana drops too low (under 90%) then preference will be given to poets who follow the community rules and comment on at least two other poems for every poem they post.

Please remember to delegate to us (this account, @hive-161465) if you are able. The more delegations we can get, the better the upvote we can give and the faster we can grow this community. If you are unable to delegate but still want to help out, you can set us as a beneficiary on your post (you can set this under the Advanced menu when posting). Everything this account makes is powered up to benefit us all. NEW: Anyone who delegates will get the MEMBER role in the community. Right now there is no other benefit for this role other than showing off you are a cool poet, but in the future I may add some benefit.

Finally, please join us on Threads. Think of Threads as Twitter on Hive. Read my intro post about it here. You can post short poems there, parts of larger poems, or just a link to your current post. Posts on Threads do not count as regular Hive posts, so don’t worry about screwing up autovoters or SBI votes. If you post there, use the #bcpoets tag to receive a vote from our @bcpoets.threads account. It’s a great place to attract further attention to your poetry. Our community account has been delegated some LEO to help with curating you guys. Thanks to @anomadsoul for that!


One more thing before we get to this week’s winners of SBI, PIMP, and Ecency POINTS. LeoFinance is now sponsoring us in their Author of the Week program. In this program the group mods will select four posts every week, you all will vote on your favorite of them, and the winner will be set as the beneficiary to a lot of Leo whale upvotes. These upvotes can help you grow your account quickly. It’s a great program to encourage more interaction in the communities and better quality posts.

See are latest contest right here and be sure to cast your vote!


We had some amazing comments this week. Thanks everyone! We give the two top commenters in the group 50 Ecency POINTS each. This week that was @amiegeoffrey and @jakim7.


Winner of Hive SBI

Remember, only people who gave two comments for every poem they posted are eligible for this contest. The only exception is that new poets are giving a pass their first week here.

Excluding myself, that puts 14 people in the running for 10 shares of Hive SBI and 10 in the running for some PIMP this week.

I threw you guys into a random picker

and the winner is…


Drawing Video

@rukkie - 50 PIMP
@bemier - 50 PIMP
@maggotmilk - 50 PIMP
@joseitosanchezs - 50 PIMP
@jakim7 - 50 PIMP


For SBI:

Drawing Video

@silher - 3 SBI
@litguru - 2 SBI
@jakim7 - 2 SBI
@rinconpoetico7 - 2 SBI
@maggotmilk - 1 SBI



(if you aren’t sure what SBI is, it’s kind of lifetime payment system run by the amazing @josephsavage. You can read about it here)

And thank you all for your wonderful poems!

Next Week ~ Next Prize

Next week will be the same reward — shares of Hive SBI.

The exact amount of Hive SBI depends on how many poets submit poems for the week. I’m bumping up the win amounts this time.

0–9 poets - 1 SBI
10–19 poets - 5 SBI (split 2–2–1)
20–49 poets - 10 SBI (split 3–2–2–2–1)

(Note, these numbers don’t include @moeknows or myself.)

So if you want a chance for Hive SBI, go write a poem! If you want a chance for a lot of Hive SBI, go recruit others (and write a poem)! Spread the word, upvote and share this post to make it more visible, contact poet buddies on Discord and try to talk them into joining our group.

Just remember the rules:

  1. Comment on two other poems for every one that you post
  2. Make it a good comment (not just “great poem!”)
  3. If you offer criticism, keep it gentle and polite and remember the golden rule of criticism: say at least two positive things for every one thing you criticize.

Anyone caught breaking these rules will not be eligible for the reward.

I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s new poem in this next week.

(Note: I’d like to start offering more prizes in the future. Please get in contact with me if you’d like to donate any Hive tokens or other rewards. Look for me as dbooster#6252 on Discord.)

Calling all previous Blockchain Poets: @stickupcurator @raymondspeaks @a-lass-wonders @aa9 @aamirwattoo @abidemiademok21 @abisag @adedoyin-g @adriangamerxd @affiliatit1010 @agreste @aidee25 @akumagai @alexlight @aljif7 @almightymelon @alther @ambigenius @amicablepeace @amiegeoffrey @amnes14 @anarkia @ange.nkuru @anggreklestari @anikekirsten @anj @annabeth @anointingaz @antonioeviesart @apehjames @arlin19 @artrender @ash2–0 @asif7 @assegai @ast3r @atma.love @awuahbenjamin @azabache2021 @b-rays @babstar @baesick @balikis95 @beaescribe @bemier @bettyhandayani @bigabigail @blackdaisyft @blackdovy @blessingjohn @blockchainbeth @blurtpoem @blx01 @botefarm @boxcarblue @caelum1infernum @carmenaltuve1 @cesarj21 @chelsie-b @chiddoken @chinay04 @chinyerevivian @chrysanthemum @chuksmeezy @chyssom @clayboyn @cliffagreen @cloflo @computergenie @concreteshallows @consciouscat @creanovation777 @crily.love @crosheille @crypt0sph3ryst @d-pend @dagger212 @danladi @danmaruschak @dante31 @darkfemme @dave7658 @davidbright @dbooster @deepspiral @deraaa @dibblers.dabs @diebitch @digitized89 @diikaan @diosarich @driptorchpress @drivingindevon @drwom @dwixer @dxworks @edujo @edwin638 @elementm @elisa2021 @elpastor @emeraldtiger @emmaba1 @emomo @emptyintentions @emrysjobber @enginewitty @ervin-lemark @evagavilan2 @evergreenfavour @faithetim @fantom22 @farhanaa @fatma–27 @fibonacci2022 @floki-skarsgaard @forthefree19 @fredfettmeister @gatoguedexz @gaurav.art @georgelumayag @giftmbaba @gingerup @glotokens @gone-hive @greenie.girl @grindan @hamsterpoweriii @hanen @haraya @harryhandsome @harryq11 @hazmat @hbelakon1975 @heartofdarkness @hermaryrc @hetty-rowan @hilbyguy @hiramdo @hitz75 @honeydue @horla-mideh @ianmcg @ifarmgirl @ifarmgirl-leo @inthenow @ismelda2305 @itohowo @itsjunevelasquez @itsostylish @itsprachi @itxilma @itzsamantha @jacco25 @jakim7 @jamesdeagle @jane1289 @japhofin8or @jayblak @jearyjoe @jeremiah25 @jerryzikko @jesuspsoto @jhymi @jianna @jjmusa2004 @jjmusa2004 @joalheal @joelibra @johnbenn @johncarty859 @johnsdowie @joseitosanchezs @josemalavem @joswag @joydukeson @jtaylor145 @justfocus @justme4u @kaixin @kater001 @katrina-ariel @kaysmile44 @kemmyb @kingobonnaya @kingsleymark @kristowe @kriszrokk @ladytitan @latino.romano @lawrence27 @lecumberre @lenaspiritual @lightedxy @lilougreen @litguru @littlepiggies @lizella27 @ljus @lolawrites @loredana72 @lucemtenebris @lucemtenebris @lukakorba @lv99-rd-chocobo @lydiapauline @lymepoet @lynn2005 @maccazftw @malgarise @marconisnghtmr @marilour @marriot5464 @martinlazizi @martthesquire @marydelmar70 @matyr @mavido @maylenasland @mbkumasi03 @mcaspectacular @mejs @mell79 @mercysugar @miangel100pre @michaelofurum @mirilarbarr @missingnins @mistural @moeknows @monoartista @morenxo @mr-chuks @mrenglish @mundomanaure @murliwala @muthmainnah @myklovenotwar @myztiqakusuk @nancybriti1 @natalialove @natica83 @new-spirit @noodlypanda @nurudeen081 @oacevedo @obikay @officialrosh1 @olawalium @oldschoolzen @onos-f @orthodoxnudism @oscarpower55 @overorlando @owasco @pannyy @peazy001 @penyaircyber @peter32 @philomenob @poemsofasickmind @poezio @pollenpiggy @portsundries @positivesteem @prechyrukky @pregosauce @primestacks1 @quduus1 @queenneche @qwertpa @radenkusumo666 @rafa1272 @raj808 @rajiola @ramisey @rene.neverfound @repayme4568 @restcity @rikarivka @rinconpoetico7 @riverflows @royaldiadem @ruggedbeardmedia @rukkie @s3ttt @sailawana @saimjan @sakura1012 @sam9999 @saminakhanktk @samsmith1971 @sapphireissafy @sarashew @sarix @schreib.hamster @scottclinton @seha76 @sequentialvibe @sgarciacine @shiftrox @shohana1 @silher @silher @silviu93 @silviu93 @sisc @smilejerry @smilejerryhive @sodeeyum @sofs-su @soul-subject @sp3ktraline @steemtpistia @strivenword @stuartcturnbull @surrealfia @swagatoroy @tahminasyed @takeonrules @tasonia @tayoo @technicalart @tedcipher @tegoshei @teknon @temitopemichael @tess100 @tezmel @thayeblohangen @thecreativecasa @thegreens @thomashnblum @todayslight @tozill @travellingcogs @trifecta-tt @trucklife-family @tuha.peut @typebox @unholyghost @unpoetaenamorado @validupsetlap @veektur21 @viadelboss @vikbuddy @vinally @vision-of-esca @walkinverse @wanderlust7 @warpedpoetic @weone @whileponderin @whistler73 @whitneyalexx @witherbloom @wongi @writing.group @wrsd54 @yablonsky @yahia-lababidi @yen1503 @zakyj @zellypearl @maggotmilk

(If you’d rather not be mentioned here, let me know)

All poets and poetry lovers are encouraged to join Blockchain Poets, a Hive community started by @moeknows and run by @dbooster, with plenty of help from @inthenow, @martinlazizi, @stuartcturnbull, @josemalavem, and @amiegeoffrey

Thank you all for submitting your wonderful work and reading. You rock!



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