When the city is asleep, this is a convenient time to take pictures. May 2021
For many years in a row, I have been getting up very early, especially in the spring and summer, it is very convenient for fishing or taking a long walk. The main problem for the city is the congestion of the streets with transport, and this problem, unfortunately, only increases every year. I am a lover of peace and quiet, so I learned living in a city to have less contact with crowds of people and transport. I even managed to find a robot that is located at a considerable distance from traffic intersections, in this I see the main priority of my workplace. Today you will see morning in my city, an old arched bridge, and a completely empty cityscape. I thought for a long time what type of photography to choose, and decided on a black and white photo. As I already wrote, I like to experiment, to do what I have not done before, so do not judge me strictly if you didn’t like my work in some way.
Perhaps I'm wrong, but it seems to me that black and white photography also conveys all the beauty and features of the local nature. Probably, it is important how we react to colors, maybe it is purely individual, but I like this style of photography. The main thing for me is to learn to see a beautiful angle for photography and convey in my own words what I saw in a letter on my favorite blog. In short, I want to become a good blogger who will be able to collect a very large audience of his fans in the future. No, you misunderstood me - I don't want to be Keith. I want to be an interesting person who knows how to think and listen to other people. I will try to make my blog positive, without sobbing over the token or hysteria around the coronavirus and the pandemic. My blog is a kind of cure for bad mood and worldwide idiocy. On this I will end my little post. Thank you so much for your comments and support. I wish everyone good health and good mood. See you.
Photographed Samsung Galaxy A51 🙏