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Phonebook GUI Application Made With Python and Tkinter (Part III).

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here-to-share106.943 years agoHive.Blog4 min read

I am a newbie on the programming world and I am trying to learn Python as it is the easiest and very strong programming language. I've learnt all basic theories and the programming syntax and then I have solved some problems from urionlinejudge. Now I'am trying to learn GUI Appliations and I am trying to learn Tkinter module of Python.

Previously I posted a Restaurant Management System GUI application that I made with Python and Tkinter module of python. Here is Phonebook GUI Application Made With Python and Tkinter. I will post the code into different parts. This is the third part.

First Part

Second Part

Let us jump to the codes of "add_people.py".


import tkinter as tk
import _sqlite3
from tkinter import PhotoImage
import datetime
from tkinter import messagebox

date = datetime.datetime.now().date()
date = str(date)

con = _sqlite3.connect('database.db')
cur = con.cursor()

Class "Add_people"

class Add_people(tk.Toplevel):
    def __init__(self):

        self.title('My People')

        self.top = tk.Frame(self, height=150, bg='white')

        self.bottom = tk.Frame(self, height=500, bg='#ebb134')

        # ---------- icon ------------
        self.top_image = PhotoImage(file='icons/people.png')
        self.top_image_label = tk.Label(self.top, image=self.top_image, bg='white')
        self.top_image_label.place(x=130, y=25)

        # -------------------- heading ----------------

        self.heading = tk.Label(self.top, text='Add New People', bg='white', font='arial 15 bold', fg='#34baeb')
        self.heading.place(x=230, y=40)

        # ------------------------ date -------------------------------

        self.date_lbl = tk.Label(self.top, text=f'Date: {date}', font='arial 11 bold', bg='white', fg='#ebb434')
        self.date_lbl.place(x=500, y=10)

        # name
        self.label_name = tk.Label(self.bottom, text='Name: ', font='Arial 12 bold', bg='#ebb134')
        self.label_name.place(x=40, y=40)

        self.entry_name = tk.Entry(self.bottom, width=30, bd=4)
        self.entry_name.place(x=175, y=40)

        # surname

        self.label_surname = tk.Label(self.bottom, text='Surname: ', font='Arial 12 bold', bg='#ebb134')
        self.label_surname.place(x=40, y=80)

        self.entry_surname = tk.Entry(self.bottom, width=30, bd=4)
        self.entry_surname.place(x=175, y=80)

        # email

        self.label_email = tk.Label(self.bottom, text='Email: ', font='Arial 12 bold', bg='#ebb134')
        self.label_email.place(x=40, y=120)

        self.entry_email = tk.Entry(self.bottom, width=30, bd=4)
        self.entry_email.place(x=175, y=120)

        # phone number

        self.label_phone = tk.Label(self.bottom, text='Phone Number: ', font='Arial 12 bold', bg='#ebb134')
        self.label_phone.place(x=40, y=160)

        self.entry_phone = tk.Entry(self.bottom, width=30, bd=4)
        self.entry_phone.place(x=175, y=160)

        # address

        self.label_Address = tk.Label(self.bottom, text='Address: ', font='Arial 12 bold', bg='#ebb134')
        self.label_Address.place(x=40, y=200)

        self.entry_Address = tk.Text(self.bottom, width=24,height=3, wrap='word')
        self.entry_Address.place(x=175, y=200)

        # submit btn

        self.submit_btn = tk.Button(self.bottom, text='Submit', font='Arial 12 bold', command = self.add_people)
        self.submit_btn.place(x=130, y=280)

Functions inside "Add_people" class

    def add_people(self):
        name = self.entry_name.get()
        surname = self.entry_surname.get()
        email = self.entry_email.get()
        phone = self.entry_phone.get()
        address = self.entry_Address.get(1.0,'end-1c')

Condition and exception handling inside "add_people" function

        if name and surname and email and phone and address != '':
                query = 'insert into "addressbook" (person_name, person_surname, person_email, person_phone, person_address) values(?,?,?,?,?)'
                cur.execute(query,(name, surname, email, phone, address))
                tk.messagebox.showinfo('Success', 'Contact added', icon='info')

            except Exception as e:
                tk.messagebox.showerror('Error', str(e), icon='warning')
            tk.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Fill all the fields', icon='warning')


So the full codes of "add_people.py" is :-

import tkinter as tk
import _sqlite3
from tkinter import PhotoImage
import datetime
from tkinter import messagebox

date = datetime.datetime.now().date()
date = str(date)

con = _sqlite3.connect('database.db')
cur = con.cursor()
class Add_people(tk.Toplevel):
    def __init__(self):

        self.title('My People')

        self.top = tk.Frame(self, height=150, bg='white')

        self.bottom = tk.Frame(self, height=500, bg='#ebb134')

        # ---------- icon ------------
        self.top_image = PhotoImage(file='icons/people.png')
        self.top_image_label = tk.Label(self.top, image=self.top_image, bg='white')
        self.top_image_label.place(x=130, y=25)

        # -------------------- heading ----------------

        self.heading = tk.Label(self.top, text='Add New People', bg='white', font='arial 15 bold', fg='#34baeb')
        self.heading.place(x=230, y=40)

        # ------------------------ date -------------------------------

        self.date_lbl = tk.Label(self.top, text=f'Date: {date}', font='arial 11 bold', bg='white', fg='#ebb434')
        self.date_lbl.place(x=500, y=10)

        # name
        self.label_name = tk.Label(self.bottom, text='Name: ', font='Arial 12 bold', bg='#ebb134')
        self.label_name.place(x=40, y=40)

        self.entry_name = tk.Entry(self.bottom, width=30, bd=4)
        self.entry_name.place(x=175, y=40)

        # surname

        self.label_surname = tk.Label(self.bottom, text='Surname: ', font='Arial 12 bold', bg='#ebb134')
        self.label_surname.place(x=40, y=80)

        self.entry_surname = tk.Entry(self.bottom, width=30, bd=4)
        self.entry_surname.place(x=175, y=80)

        # email

        self.label_email = tk.Label(self.bottom, text='Email: ', font='Arial 12 bold', bg='#ebb134')
        self.label_email.place(x=40, y=120)

        self.entry_email = tk.Entry(self.bottom, width=30, bd=4)
        self.entry_email.place(x=175, y=120)

        # phone number

        self.label_phone = tk.Label(self.bottom, text='Phone Number: ', font='Arial 12 bold', bg='#ebb134')
        self.label_phone.place(x=40, y=160)

        self.entry_phone = tk.Entry(self.bottom, width=30, bd=4)
        self.entry_phone.place(x=175, y=160)

        # address

        self.label_Address = tk.Label(self.bottom, text='Address: ', font='Arial 12 bold', bg='#ebb134')
        self.label_Address.place(x=40, y=200)

        self.entry_Address = tk.Text(self.bottom, width=24,height=3, wrap='word')
        self.entry_Address.place(x=175, y=200)

        # submit btn

        self.submit_btn = tk.Button(self.bottom, text='Submit', font='Arial 12 bold', command = self.add_people)
        self.submit_btn.place(x=130, y=280)

    def add_people(self):
        name = self.entry_name.get()
        surname = self.entry_surname.get()
        email = self.entry_email.get()
        phone = self.entry_phone.get()
        address = self.entry_Address.get(1.0,'end-1c')

        if name and surname and email and phone and address != '':
                query = 'insert into "addressbook" (person_name, person_surname, person_email, person_phone, person_address) values(?,?,?,?,?)'
                cur.execute(query,(name, surname, email, phone, address))
                tk.messagebox.showinfo('Success', 'Contact added', icon='info')

            except Exception as e:
                tk.messagebox.showerror('Error', str(e), icon='warning')
            tk.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Fill all the fields', icon='warning')



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