A bit of my sex view angle( Weekend Engagement Week 218)
I like to think I’ve been a lucky man in some aspects in life that somehow have allowed me to get to the spot I´m today, sex is one of them. And I say lucky, because I think that by experiencing and experimenting as much as possible about sex in every different way you can, you are, in the process, learning to distinguish, first, your sex personality and inner preferences of it, and second, the kind of sex personality you are gonna be comfortable with or attracted to, according to what you´re looking for in a specific moment of your life. Also, the kind sex frequency I talk above can help one, in my humble opinion, to difference at some point, when it´s just about good sex with some girl without letting good sex to cloud your judgment and confuse it with something else creating false attachments just for lack of experience in the matter.
Concerning sex.
I´m 45 years old and according to what I´ve seen and heard, I consider I´ve had a lot of sex in my life, as we say here, I could die tomorrow if it´s taken into account the amount of satisfaction I have in sex terms. Clearly that doesn´t mean it´s enough already, or that I´m done with it, no, no, not at all, I´ll keep on it as long as strengths stand by me because as the matter of fact, I like it and enjoy it very much.
Of course, there have been good and bad sex times in the long journey.😉

Good sex: There are a couple things I think there musty be present for me to consider one good sex time, besides the ones we already know about liking the girl in the aspects I prefer:
Enjoyment: Some persons tend to confuse enjoyment with outcome, reducing it just to the orgasm period, they might be right, but that´s not for me, my concept of enjoyment starts with the first approach, everything from the beginning, during and after is enjoyable for me, every step of the way has a spot of pleasure, has an enchanting moment and has a charm, otherwise it´s not full enjoyment for me. Metaphorically a couple of things come to my mind to compare with, but just gonna use one, a good meal, for example, it´s not about getting your stomach full, or about being hungry, it´s about smelling and getting captured for the scent that waters your mouth just imagining the flavor that your brain is creating out of that nice scent your nose translated to him without even tasting it yet, it´s about starting to approach softly to the delightful plate served by small tastes to your mouth, giving your tongue the chance to enjoy it slowly and then send the sensation through your brain to all your system to enjoy it as if all the organs were the tongue themselves, it´s about to take a time to feel deep down everything that meal has to offer beyond fullness.
Passion: May I should have started with this one, would you have?...well, we won´t go any where in a sex time without passion, let´s be real about it, I just won´t dig to much on it, without passion there is no way there could be a good sex mates.
Calm: Sex is not a race to win, it´s road surrounded for many beautiful things to admires that if running you will miss, there is also hidden prices that you need time to find, because that prices will lead you and your bed partner to more enjoyment. And that leads me to the last one.
Unselfishness: I am going to mix this with the first one. Man, for god sake, good sex is about two persons enjoying, being selfish won´t bring enjoyment to either even if the selfish consider the outcome as enjoyment, it won´t, so I need as a part of my enjoyment, to see my woman enjoying her self as much as I am, and my I am will increase as much as hers is increasing, so I´ll do whatever is necessary as I know she will, to make that time, a good sex time.
Having said that before I don´t think necessary to give details about what a bad sex would be for me, right fellows? Just think of the opposite of what I just said and that´s gonna be bad sex.
So, as I said, I have had good sex, and a I have only two important examples of what good sex was for me that will be mentioned, the first one was with a stranger who contacted me for some business I had at that time, well trying no to make it a long story, I was supposed to take to her some stuff she was gonna buy me, and so I did,it was a Saturday morning, something happened when we saw each other personally for the first time, it was all very fast and I don´t know how, without even a kiss, cause it wasn´t possible for some reason I can´t remember now, we decided to see each other alone the next morning. And so it happened, we didn´t know each other and everything that day occurred as we had known ourselves from our whole life, there was wildness, tenderness, passion, sharing, talking y laughing in between, it didn´t look like we were strangers and won´t give any further detail, just that it was sensational, it felt so good, so comfortable for each other, and that that was the only time we saw each other till today, we spent that whole Sunday together literally on the ride and that was it.
The second example is my current wife.
Some girlfriend of mine once, while we were having a conversation in which a was showing my self frustrated because I was getting bored very quickly of the girls I was meeting after having sex with them that I didn´t consider very good, said to me, the day you fall in love you will have the better sex of your life, it´s good to say that I had never been in love until now, not even of the mother of my sons in spite of the long relationship we had, she said, when that happens you are gonna remember these words and me, because that´s the time when you are going to change the name sex for making love and believe me, it´s gonna be amazing like nothing you´ve ever experienced before. Well, so it was, a year and a half ago I met her, and from that day she has been the better sex I´ve had in life, because, to all the things I said above I needed for a good sex, I added love, now it´s not just good or amazing sex any more, it is making love.
So, that´s it mates!!, this weekend topics has rocked hard as always do, have you any more requirements to good sex yourselves? I´ll be gladly reading them if you wish to share down in comments, till then, we´ll be seeing, bye for now. Have all a great week.
Images on the post are all my own.
No translation app used this time, it´s all me, so, be nice and forgive my possible errors.
