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Charm of the Suspension Bridge


gunting619.454 months ago2 min read


Hello friends, wherever you are, I hope you are in good health and can carry out various daily activities as usual.
On this very beautiful occasion I want to entertain you all with some photography of the charm of the suspension bridge that connects two villages.

This bridge is located in the Lhoksukon area, North Aceh district. I usually use this route to cover a shorter distance than detouring through the city area.

The existence of this bridge is very beneficial for local residents in this area because, with this bridge, it is very easy for residents to communicate between one village and another.

Apart from that, drivers, especially two-wheelers and three-wheelers, really like crossing this bridge because they can travel faster than turning around through the city area.

As usual, below I have some photography of the charm of the suspension bridge that I usually cross, I hope you will be entertained by some of the photography that is being displayed.






Note: I am writing in Indonesian and using the help of Google translate to translate into English.

All gifts from this post will be burned and made into strength to support other hivers posts.

PhotographerSmartphone usedLocation
@guntingRealme C53Aceh Province. Indonesian Country.

Thank you for your visit.

Warm Greetings From



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