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The Bad Batch: Episode 14 review (The Tipping Point)


gracepro76.722 years ago7 min read


(I haven't posted anything in so long! I have no idea what to post now that the Afterlife is over. I've already started a new story, but I don't know if I'll post it here or not. Anyway, this is just a review on the previous episode of the Bad Batch: the tipping point. Enjoy! And here's a meme!)


Since this episode was literally called "the tipping point", I expected a lot of things to happen. But honestly this episode is now one of my favorites! All the parts worked together perfectly, creating an interwoven and excited story.

In the first five minutes, i was already yelling for multiple reasons.

One, Howzer is back! It was nice for his story to be continued, even if it was a minor part of the story.

Two, Gregor is back! I was so excited to see him again because he is a very fun character. Seeing him work for the "clone rebellion" was great.
(This also could hint at why Wolffe hasn't appeared yet. In Rebels, Wolffe was more okay with the Empire, so maybe unlike Rex and Gregor he just never fought them, so he doesn't hold the same grudge. I know, I know, I need to calm down on my want for Wolffe to appear, but the fact that he hasn't is honestly shocking).

Final reason, Echo is back! I've missed Echo since he's one of my favorite clones. One thing that I find interesting is how reckless Echo is. In the beginning, he refused to leave until he got the rest of the data, even though it put him in danger. I think this has to do with him having been part of the 501st, which was led by Anakin. They were always reckless, so it is nice to see that it rubbed off on him.

Now to switch to Crosshair, who was also nice to see. One important thing is that he refuses to give Doctor Hemlock any details about the Bad Batch after learning that he wants to take the kid. I think this decision is because of two things. One, he still cares about his brothers. Two, he's really starting to dislike the Empire and see them for what they truly are. Either way, this is great to show the progression and development of Crosshair. He is starting to see that staying with the Empire instead of joining his brothers was not a good idea.

His escape also shows a lot about him. He had good precision, even when he was not in peak condition. This shows that the Kaminoans did almost too much to make Clone Force 99 the best of the best. Even when he was weak, he was able to put up a fight. I also think it's great to see that he put enough trust in his team just to say "Plan 88". He knew his squad well enough to not share too much information (just in case someone found out about his message). However he told enough for them to figure out what happened to him (which we see later on). I'm interested in seeing how the Bad Batch when meeting Crosshair again now that he is more against the Empire.

On the Bad Batch side of things, they are going to have to make a decision. Stay on Pabu, or not. They are seeing that they don't have to just be soldiers and can live a peaceful life. Obviously, I don't think them staying on Pabu will work out for them. They're soldiers, and they don't really know how to live a peaceful life. The only clone we've ever seen living a peaceful like is Cut, and then again we don't really know how his life turned out after the Bad Batch helped him and his family escape in season one. Plus, I have heard theories that Pabu may be destroyed permanently, like Kamino was. I hope this isn't the case, but with Star Wars you can never be too sure.

One thing I found weird was how Tech and Echo greeted each other. With Hunter, Echo and him did a handshake. With Omega, she ran up and hugged him. With Tech? Well, he just got straight to business, asking Echo what he needs and getting straight to the point. I think this shows more of Tech's personality, and how he isn't very good at social situations. He doesn't really understand social cues, something that has been shown a few times throughout the series. Plus, Tech and Echo's relationship is a strange one. They do care about each other, but fight. I kind of want this friendship to be developed more throughout the final two episodes (and hopefully season 3).

Echo also has got some depth to him. It was finally acknowledged how Echo needs to fight. His whole life he had to fight for everything. He had to fight hard just to not be decommissioned in the first place with his squad. Then he was part of the 501st, having to fight alongside Anakin Skywalker (never safe). He was kidnapped by the Separatists, and then the minute he got out he joined the Bad Batch. His whole life had been fighting. It would never be enough for him. How this will effect him or what will happen to him because of this is going to be interesting to see play out, especially since he isn't with Rex in Rebels (and Rex doesn't mention him either).

And now my questions.

  1. What is Doctor Hemlocke's work and what is he doing to the clones? I have a feeling he is doing something terrible, and that it will be a big revelation. Also, why does he need Nala Se? I expect it has something to do with cloning, but since they destroyed Kamino, why does the Empire need cloning?
  2. Will the Bad Batch help Crosshair? I'm assuming they will, but what will happen when they do? They don't exactly have a good relationship with him ever since he joined the Empire and revealed he got his chip out. How will this play out?

All in all, I really liked this episode. The title certainly fit. I have a feeling the next two episodes will be full of action. Many have claimed most of the episodes so far have been filler (which I disagree with, but that's besides the point). I don't think anyone will say this about future episodes now. All the stories are working together. The Bad Batch, Crosshair's change, Echo's need to fight/working with Rex, all of it is fitting together perfectly. I also wonder if characters like Cody and Phee will appear, and what their roles would be. I hope they do (specifically Cody), but we'll have to wait and see.


Two memes with the Emperor's New Groove, what is wrong with me? I don't think I've even watched this movie in years...

I can't wait for what's in store! What did you think of the last episode, and who is your favorite Bad Batcher now? Comment if you want!


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