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May the fourth: Clone Wars Headcanons

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gracepro79.616 months ago6 min read

I like posting things for May the fourth, being how much I love Star Wars. My favorite show out of them all is Clone Wars, so I thought why not share my ideas? Here we go!


  • Echo had terrible nightmares after what happened with the Domino Squad. Usually Fives would help him through it. After Echo came back however, the nightmares got worse, now also being about what the separatists did to him. With Fives gone, Tech usually was the one to step up and help with the nightmares.
  • After getting to safety, the first thing Echo asked Rex was where Fives was and why he wasn't with them (because why wouldn't he come to help save his best friend). Rex told him what happened with Fives, causing Echo to have a full on breakdown. Ever since then he decided to just try to not think about Fives and the others in Domino Squad, being it hurt too much and he was trained to be a good soldier, not dwelling to much on things he couldn't change.
  • Echo has a tattoo on his arm of a domino to commemorate the others, being the last of the Domino Squad alive.
  • All clones are ambidextrous, otherwise meaning they can use both hands while fighting. Being they were bred as perfect soldiers, the Kaminoans wouldn't want a hand being chopped off be a problem.
  • Fives was a prankster, that never changed. The only person that could get him to stop was Echo, because Fives knew if he pranked the guy he'd stop talking to him for who knows how long.
  • The clones couldn't have funerals for all the brothers they lost, it would be too much. So after every battle the clones closest to the fallen would go to 79's and talk about their fallen friends.
  • Rex and Cody would meet up all the time to talk about their insane generals and their plans. Over time Rex stopped thinking they were so crazy, but Cody never did. They of course cared about their general's, but Cody knew that he was working with psychopaths.
  • Kix and Hardcase were best friends. They first met on the battlefield when Hardcase got hurt in an explosion. Kix asked him about it and Hardcase just said "it was a big one, wasn't it," with the biggest smile on his face. With how often the guy got hurt, the two knew each other personally, so much so that Kix would often get annoyed with Hardcase's recklessness. "Again," Kix said every time. Hardcase just smiled. "Those clankers deserved it."
  • Kix is the one who's seen the most deaths of all the clones in the 501st. Every time a soldier died he was there, trying to heal them. But he couldn't save every single one, a lesson that was incredibly hard for him to learn.
  • Rex did believe in Fives about Order 66. He was confused, sure, but he believed Fives over some emperor who had done nothing for them. But after Fives death and the proof being weak, he just tried to forget about it.
  • After what happened with Pong Krell, Dogma became obsessed with clones getting equal treatment. He promised that if he ever got out of jail he'd try and fix the clone's treatment, but when he did Order 66 had happened, and he couldn't do anything but watch as they were thrown away.
  • Fives hated Dogma in the beginning because he reminded him of Echo back when they were cadets. He hated being reminded of his best friend who he couldn't save.
  • All the clones in the 501st thought of Ahsoka as their little sister. They cared about her as such and treated her like one of them. That included jokes, pranks, and calling her nicknames like snips and mini skywalker.
  • The only reason Wrecker and Hardcase never met was because the two probably could've blown up a planet if they were together, both literally and figuratively. They would've been best friends, no doubt.
  • Plo Koon's clone army were all like his kids. Some of them considered themselves "Plo's Bro's". They liked him so much because of his care for clone lives, a sentiment not many other people shared.
  • When they weren't fighting, the clones would usually go to 79's. The bar was specifically designed for them. Every once in a while some jerk would say something rude about the clones, and he would be kicked out. Nobody knows who made the bar, but there are rumors, and whoever did is given the utmost respect from every single clone trooper.
  • After the Empire fell, Rex and Wolffe didn't know what to do with themselves. All they knew was how to fight. So Rex ended up talking to general Leia about it. She just smiled and told him he was free to do whatever he wanted, an option he never had. For once, they two decided to just relax and try at a normal life. It didn't work amazingly, being they were always up for a fight to help the new republic, but it was their choice, and they were happy about it.
  • After Order 66, some clones ended up leaving the empire and becoming bounty hunters. They were considered the best in the business, though the other clones kind of looked down on them for doing what they did. They didn't care. They needed money.
  • While they're fine with some droids (like R2 units), the clones don't love droids, even after the clone wars ended.
  • Tech and Echo had a friendly rivalry since the beginning. Being the smarter clones on the Marauder, their fights were usually full of big words that the others did not understand or get. Think reading Shakespeare fights as a modern teenager. Wrecker, Hunter, and Crosshair were so done with it, but Crosshair was the only one brave enough to tell them to shut up when it got out of hand.
  • As cadets Crosshair kind of played the older sibling role. Hunter was the leader, but Crosshair was the one who had to calm him down. Tech had a terrible sleeping schedule, so it was Crosshair who had to make him go to sleep most nights, and Wrecker, well he always was kind of a big baby, so Crosshair's job was to take care of him after training.
  • When it came to Yoda there were two reactions among the clones. 1. he talks backwards, that's hillarious. and 2. what the heck is that?? No matter the reaction however they always managed to be respectful.

Okay, that's all I could come up with for now. I hope you have a good day! May the fourth be with you!



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