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For Echo


gracepro76.732 years ago4 min read

Hello there! I don't write fanfics often, but I got this idea and thought it would be interesting (and it wouldn't stop bugging me), so I wrote it. Plus, I wanted to post something, but I didn't feel like posting any parts of a story.

Also, just because I'm curious, which one is your favorite, Echo or Fives? Personally I like Echo better but Fives is still up there as one of my favorites. Anyway, to the story!



Fives felt like he was going to break. Echo was gone. He wasn’t coming back, no matter how much Fives wanted him too. Fives would’ve screamed, but him and the 501st were in the middle of a mission, and they had to act like it. Be soldiers, like they had been made and trained for.

When he saw Echos helmet roll across the ground, all he wanted to do was grab it, just to have one thing from Echo, but it was too far away. If he tried to get it Echos sacrifice would be in vain, and if Fives could do anything for Echo now, he would do it.

General Kenobi spoke, but Fives couldn’t hear them. His eyes were fixed on the blown up pieces of the ship and Echos helmet. Rex grabbed Fives arm. He didn’t speak, he just motioned that they needed to go. Fives nodded as a tear went down his cheek, unbeknownst to everyone else because of his helmet. He followed Rex and the others to get under cover.

When they finally stopped running for a short rest, Fives sat away from the others. He didn’t feel like he was one of them anymore. It may sound stupid, but he felt like a part of him had left with Echo. The part of him that loved to have fun and be crazy. Maybe that made no sense. Echo had always been very orderly and got annoyed when Fives wouldn’t stop trying to make him laugh (even if the two had the same laugh, Fives had always liked Echo’s more). But it was still like a crucial part of him was gone, never to return.

He looked at the others with their helmets off. They were all talking in hushed tones but Fives could tell they were talking about Echo, his sacrifice, and Fives himself. One of them looked at Fives, who glared daggers at him. The clone looked away immediately. Fives just looked down at his lap. He couldn’t take off his helmet, or everyone would see how broken he truly felt. How alone.

“I wish I could’ve stopped him,” Rex said, coming over. Fives only realized it was Rex when he looked up to see his Captains grim face. Fives stood straight up. “It’s not your fault sir,” Fives said, trying to make his voice sound normal and not like he had just been crying.

Rex shook his head. “Fives, I won’t say I know what you’re feeling. You and Echo were closer with each other than anyone else. I know you need time to grieve. I’m just sorry you can’t get that time now,” Rex explained.

Fives shrugged. “It’s alright sir.”

“Drop the formalities, Fives,” Rex said. “We’re friends, right? Friends don't call each other sir. Second, it’s not alright. You just lost someone important to you. Probably the person most important to you. Listen, if there is anything I can do to help-“

Fives hugged Rex tightly. He didn’t care if everyone else was watching, or if he would be seen as weak. Fives felt weak. He felt broken. He felt angry. He felt so many things he wondered if his head would explode. So Fives held onto Rex, as if his life depended on it, as if Rex was his last tie to this world.

When he let go, his face turned pink from embarrassment (though no one could see because of his helmet). Rex gave Fives a small smile. He then patted Fives shoulder. It was a small gesture, of course, but at the moment any gesture at all made him feel like he could survive.

“We’re probably going soon,” Rex told all the troops as he walked towards the other high ranking officers. The other clones all looked at Fives. He glared. “What, you all got a staring problem?” They all looked away sheepishly. Fives rolled his eyes.

He still felt broken. In fact, Fives didn’t think he would ever be himself again. But at the moment just the possibility of being okay sounded a lot better than just pain. So Fives took out his gun and got ready for battle. “Par eyayah,” he whispered in mando'a to himself.

For Echo


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