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Clones That Deserve Their Own Shows (Star Wars)

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gracepro76.692 years ago6 min read

Hello there! If you don't know me, I'm Gracepro, and I am a huge Star Wars nerd. I honestly don't know why I decided to do this, but I didn't know what to do and wanted to add to this community, so here we go!


Since many characters are getting shows, I wondered who else should get one. And my favorite Star Wars show is the Clone Wars. So I asked myself the question, which clones should get their own show/spin-off? This is my top 5 who I think deserve the honor.

Honorable Mention: Cody
While Cody is not my favorite, he is an interesting character. If he got his own show he could get a lot of depth. We know nothing of his life while he was a part of the Empire. It could be an cool idea, but since Bad Batch season 2 will feature Cody, we probably will get the answers to our questions in that show, so a show about Cody would be unnecessary (especially since I have a feeling he may die in Bad Batch. Why else was he cut from the Kenobi show?).

Number 5: Wolffe
Wolffe is an underrated character. Honestly, he's pretty cool, but always seems forgotten. He was a Commander and was one of the few clones who got their chip out. He even fought with the Rebellion, yet no one talks about him. His fate after Rebels is unknown, being he wasn't mentioned in the sort of epilogue in the last episode. Plus, we don't know how he got his chip out, and since when we first met him in Rebels he wasn't really against the Empire, it would be interesting to see his side of the story for once.

Number 4: Rex
If any clone is most likely to get a show, it's Rex. And honestly, I wouldn't complain. Rex has had an interesting life and he is one of the most complex clones since he was developed as much as he was. The show could be about his life right after Order 66, which would be interesting for his character to be in that kind of situation. We saw how he acted with Ahsoka in the last few episodes of the Clone Wars. How would he deal with all the change when alone? Plus, we could have cameo appearances from a bunch of characters, like Ahsoka, Gregor, Wolffe, and the Bad Batch. However, this portion of his life is most likely going to be developed in Bad Batch, and I believe he will appear in Ahsoka, so he may not need his own show. Still, it would be fun.

Number 3: Fox
I know, I know. Not many people like Fox. I mean, I don't particularly like him either. But a show about him could change how we see him. We don't know much about the Coruscant Guard and a show about one of their Commanders could show what they do. Fox could become more complex and an actually likable character if we got to know him for something other than hunting down Ahsoka or killing Fives. If we got to know him, maybe we would actually like him and his character. In the comics, Fox dies and no fan really complains. But making him deeper than what we've seen would make his death sadder, and we know Star Wars loves making people cry.

Number 2: Gregor
A show about Gregor would be funny, but it could also be really good. Plus, there is a huge portion of his life we don't know about. How he got from Abafar (where he met the droids and seemingly died) to the Republic/Empire. Seeing him deal with the change would make him more than just funny, it would make him relatable. We all have dealt with change in our lives, so everyone would relate to what Gregor is going through. And seeing someone from inside the Empire truly see how terrible it is and change sides would be a different approach to a show then what we've seen so far in the Star Wars universe. Plus, we could be introduced to some new characters since when he was part of the Empire he was training people to be imperial soldiers. Like Fox, Gregor sadly died, so him getting his own show would make many fans cry. And, bonus, Gregor would be comedic gold in his own show.

And finally...

Number 1: Kix
Who is Kix, some might ask. Well, Kix is the 501st medic, and not only that, but the last clone alive (according to the comics). Kix is a character than never got his time to shine. He never got an episode or even a big moment, he was just...there. I can't remember really anything that he did, which is sad because he had a lot of potential. Think of all the trouble the 501st gets into. What kind of things would a medic of a legion like that see? It could be sad, yet very fun. There are two options of what a show about him would be. One could be his life with the 501st and having to deal with all their injuries. The other could be based on the comics. In the comics, Kix tried finding out about Order 66, but when he did he was frozen in carbonite. Years later, he was found by pirates and joined them. Imagine a show about Kix being part of a crew of pirates, while having flashbacks of himself trying to figure out Order 66 and healing his brothers. It has a lot of potential, and while we probably won't ever see a show about him, it would be amazing if we did.

So, these are my top picks for clones who should get their own show. I doubt any of them will, but one can dream, can't they?

Would you watch any of these shows? What clone or character in general do you believe should get their own show? Answer in the comments! And here's a meme!



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