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Only 13 Days Until the Equinox - March 7, 2022 @goldenoakfarm


goldenoakfarm4.5 K2 years agoPeakD3 min read


This is the mesclun started 5 days ago. About half of all the seedlings are up. I am happy to report that after 7 hours more work, the 2 years of record keeping for the gardens are now up to date!


I had very low hopes for this Cortland onion seed. I used it because the seed order with new had not arrived. It was several years old and onion seed typically has a 1 year life. We put 5 seeds in each hole and about half of them are up at 5 days. Hopefully enough can sprout and I can transplant them to fill each pot with 3 seedlings. The Dakota Tears onions were a year younger, and only a couple have come up.


The verbascum (a flower) was very old seed, probably 5 years. So we put a lot on. Looks like they all germinated. They will have to be heavily thinned.


With the sun coming out so early on Sunday, and the high temperatures, the snow is nearly gone. But winter isn’t done with us. More may come on Wednesday.


But I’m still not seeing garlic sprouts yet in the Big garden. It was planted a month late last year, in early November.


I am still not well enough to tackle outside work. Seeing the New East garden looking like this bugs me something awful.

On Monday night we lost power from 11 – 3:30. I have a CPAP machine, and as a result, I didn’t sleep well because I couldn’t breathe well. It’s going to be a long day on Tuesday. My cleaning helper is coming, and we will finish putting up the last seedling lights in the office. Then I hope to start cleaning the cellar.

First thing down there is to get all the trash into the dumpster. Next is to clean out under the stairs and put the barnboard back under there where it will be safe.

I’m hoping we come across the transition strips the contractor needs to finish the floor. That’s probably all we’ll get done today. I’ll probably have her come back on Wednesday and along with my general helper we will tackle more of the cellar. I have until noon on Thursday to find the strips.


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