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What MMA Classes 3 Times A Week Did To My Fighting Ability


garretsmith0.063 years ago3 min read

If you didn’t know already I'm a major workaholic. I hustle like you wouldn’t believe. One of those hustles was going to MMA class. Was I going to get in shape? No, I previously worked out a year and a half beforehand. I was going to master or at least be able to defend myself. It was an hour's drive every time but that didn’t stop me. There could be a tornado and I would still go. In this blog ill be discussing when I started, how I improved, the injury, and lastly when I’m going back.https://images.ecency.com/DQmWrMSaEfmg93j9mWVPsKUXeRq9BR5xi4sc8xLYz1ZnX4T/image.png

When I Started
You're probably wondering how the idea arose in the first place. Well, I started because I always wanted to learn how to fight and after working out I thought it was a perfect time. The day I officially started was August 5th, 2021. I drove for 1 hour before arriving. I was nervous at first but I eventually get comfortable going there. I walk in to sign up for their MMA classes. The classes consist of jujitsu and Muay Thai. These are some of the major fighting skills people in the UFC have.https://images.ecency.com/DQmQYWvoedg5uiqrQRPxoBf7cfpMLJwhLXBJw92gNmZoVgv/image.png

The Drastic Improvement
After around the month, I could hang in there and properly practice the moves with the guys without struggle. They even had some brutal workouts that I couldn’t handle, but now I can. At this stage, I started to feel comfortable and calm. I was not nervous anymore. When rolling with the guys I noticed that I could beat them. It got to the point where every time we rolled it would be a fight for who won. After so much improvement and so many new people to talk to, disaster struck.

The Injury
As you probably know my other article “What Working Out 6 Times A Week For A Year Did To Me” touched on this injury. It was a tailbone injury. I don’t believe I went into detail as to what happened so ill do that now to clear some things up. I was practicing jujitsu downstairs on my concrete floor, you know where I'm going with this, and I slipped and fell on my tailbone. Ouch! It hurt so bad that my butt felt like it was on fire! I could barely walk, sit, or even sleep for that matter. It was bad. After like 6 months I finally felt good again. That for sure is the worst injury I ever had (so far).https://images.ecency.com/DQmaKd6iqPN67wCez2QwaLUFo67xVeRGNJEM7xtgAZ9b5yn/image.png

When I'm Going Back
I'm speculating and I believe it's sometime in March or April. I'm first trying to get back (skill-wise) where I was. I'm practicing every day now. In time ill get back and then exhale where I was prior to the injury. I’m so excited to see all the amazing people I met along the way. I’m also intrigued by how much better they got in that long period of time. Only time will tell my friend.

To Summarize
I drastically improved my technique in a short period of time. The injury sucks but ill be going back in the middle of March or early April. I had a blast going to MMA class and I can’t wait to do it again. Thank you for reading all the way through. If you liked this make sure to give me a clap! Have any questions? Make sure to put them in the comments. Have a wonderful rest of your day!https://images.ecency.com/DQmXa8H5tE9KDGaBxXFHoMRTMFruSKk54SzsbY6DTLB7GEH/image.png


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