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EcoTrain QOTW || What habits or addictions, both good and bad, have you developed and which you would like to get rid of?


funshee934.032 years agoPeakD3 min read

The thing is we are all addicted to one or two things, how will manage, control, and make the best out of them is what determine the kind of effect such addictions has on us.

Here are my addictions and how I'm managing them so far.

I'm Addicted to good food

I know this one might sound funny but I love not just food but good food.

I have seen or hear people talk of how they are addicted to junk food, and I will just imagine how they manage to do that. I can't survive on junk food for just three day's without getting sick.

I think I have come to love good food, after something that happens to me long time ago.

Before then, I never knew that what I ate has more to do with how healthy I becomes. So, I took my food for granted, I don't eat on time and when I do, I feeds on junk foods.

Until I stated to developed stomach ulcer. In the cause of my treatment I realize that eating healthy meals can be my best pet of staying healthy. Ever since then I don't joke with what I eat, and I make sure I eat at the right time no matter what.

I have a cousin sister, who will take just coke, garri, and noodles for days without eating a proper meal and not as if there were no food at home but she won't just feel like eating them. Sometimes I wonder how she survives with those.

I feel scared for her because I don't want her to experience what happens to me in the past, but she won't just have the appetite to eat.

On my part, ever since I'm committed to eating good and healthier meals i discover that I hardly get sick compared to before. https://media.tenor.com/images/d9b6f475b35d6d6b17823db7d8e19083/tenor.gif to good meals.

My Addiction to movies
Before I found hive, I use to spend my spare time watching one TV series to another. I will spent lot of Money subscribing data on a monthly bases just to watch movies.

There was a time, during one of my school holiday, I watched this Korean series Antenal throughout the night. I ended sleepy throughout the following day, it make me so mad at myself but that won't stop me from watching another one the following day. https://media.tenor.com/images/1e3ca630b402cdd7fd2586c8a8a80c50/tenor.gif Me on my movie time

Hive has taken over my movies time now, I have reduced it to the barest minimum. And this lead me to my last addition.

My Hive Addiction


You can't just get bored on hive can we? Ever since I joined hive I haven't gone a day with hive. I know too much of everything is bad, so, I have try as much as possible to separate my hive time to my other offline activities. I don't mind this particular addiction lol as much as I don't let it interfere with my other stuff. I considered every minutes I spent on hive to be worth it.

Thank you for visiting my blog, do have a beautiful day ahead


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