How gun control advocates can gain some credibility..
I'm about as staunch a 2nd Amendment guy as you'll ever meet; but, I'm going to lecture gun control advocates on how they can actually gain credibility.
First and foremost, holy crap, if you think that the terms "assault rifle" and "assault weapon" are interchangeable, nobody who knows anything about guns will respect your opinion nor should they. That applies to the distinction between fully automatic and semi-automatic.
Stop harping on sales made at gun shows. Two minutes of research will show you that less than 1% of guns used in any kind of crime were purchased at gun shows.
Stop focusing on assault weapons. Hand guns are used in greater than thirteen times more homicides than any kind of rifle.
Stop calling the AR-15 a "weapon of war." It's not a weapon of war and never has been. The closest that the AR-15 ever came to real combat was as a cheap training rifle for a few recruits during the Vietnam war.
Stop claiming that AR-15s have no value as self-defense weapons. A woman who was eight months pregnant chased away violent home invaders with an AR not too long ago.
Stop claiming that the "AR" in AR-15 stands for "assault rifle."
I could go on; but, I don't wanna give my opponents too much help.
