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Snow, Head Cold Remedies - Tuesday


flemingfarm10.1 K3 years agoPeakD4 min read

Woke up to it being rather cold outside and my head cold had fully set in. The nice hot water helped first thing in the morning. The warm steam helped to clear my sinuses a good bit.


I spent my morning trying to get my writing on my story done but my head just would not focus. I think I managed about 500 words by mid day, if that. Shortly after 11am it snowed again for a while. We didn't get a ton but it was pretty heavy while it fell.


During the day I drank over 1 1/2 gallons of tea. Many times as I got to about halfway I would go fill it with more hot water than microwave it to get it really hot. The hotter the fluid you can drink while sick the better chance it will help dislodge the garbage. I start with green tea in the morning then swap to chamomile and a night time tea, neither have caffeine.


Then 3 times during the day I got about 6 to 8 ounces of warm/hot water in the glass then I added about 5 grams of vitamin c each time. Heavy doses of vitamin c have been proven to help the body fight the sickness off faster.


I swirl the vitamin c around to dissolve it, which is why I use the hot water, then I pour some juice on top to cool it off and to mask the puckering of the vitamin c.

I also took a huge dose of vitamin d, some vitamin a, and quercitin.


We kicked the tub up to 103F and I could tell that my body temp was already elevated since I was able to soak for a long time without having to cool off at all. The warm steam really helped clear up my head while I was in soaking. It took me until right before bed to finally get over my daily words written on my story, which is the latest I have been since the end of October. This head cold really sapped the creative juices for a while.


Last night was atrocious. Laying down had the phlegm shifting in my chest and I awoke to stuffiness and hard coughing multiple times in the night. I woke up about every hour and was up for about the same each time. I finally got up and put my super warm robe on and curled up on the couch so I was upright. This helped with the coughing a lot but I got maybe 4 hours of sleep all night.

I feel somewhat better this morning, at least my body is feeling better and my head is not quite so muddy. I will be downing a ton of vitamin c today as well as more hot fluids and hopefully will be out of the worst parts of this.

J has school today, then tonight is scouts as long as I am doing much better, and I need to go through my seed stock and get my order together for next year since I have a 15% off coupon that is good through the end of the year at Territorial Seed.


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