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Trying to be more social but...


fenngen1.7 Klast year3 min read

Last week was the most social I've had in a while. Hanging out with other people can be lots of fun and I would really like to do more of that. The problem is that life in the forest is quite demanding and leaving my house is often something that will have consequences due to the weather and the many things that need to be done around here.

I came back there a week of being here and there to find my house almost flooded, a not so pleasant scenario. Nothing that can't be fixed with a little loving, but still it drives me back to isolation as I feel I have neglected my duties by allowing myself to be more social. It's a complex game I'll give you that but I suppose I have to learn to play it with more grace and skill each day.

The splash of the rain got this wall wet. If this keeps happening I'm going to be in trouble...

Nature is Loving but it is constantly threatening the foundations of what you want to build. I understand this is why humans have chosen the specific materials and techniques for building that we have. If I would have had the knowledge that I have right now I probably would have not chosen this place for building, it is at the bottom of a valley and it is where all the water from the rains gathers. Then again this was the place that life provided me with.

Also, we have a big capacity to adapt and I love taking advantage of it. If there is a big amount of water here then I should be looking for ways to harness its power for my benefit until we reach a balance where water goes where it needs to go without needing to flood me.

For now I think the wisest course of action is to dig a lot of trenches to prevent the water from reaching the house and so that the nutrients of the soil aren't washed away, while letting trees grow and begin to regulate the water levels here. I don't know if it's better to just let trees sprout from the ground or to bring them from elsewhere. There are already plenty of native trees sprouting around here in the places I have fenced and prevented animals from entering.

I would also really like to generate some hydroelectric power even if just to keep a light turned on at night so I have to study how this goes and save money for the materials. If any of you have any idea where to start looking for this information or have done any similar project please let me know, I would be very grateful.

I was checking out this video which seems like a good cheap option. I would have to gather the materials first so what I'm thinking is to make a budget list and go posting the progress to reach the necessary money for making this happen. Some of these I might be able to get for free but since this kind of thing has to be precise and well done I'll probably be buying most of it.

The images are snapshots from https://opensourcelowtech.org/water_turbine.html where you can find all materials and instructions.


Seems like a nice project 😁

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