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Gaining clarity amidst the chaos


fenngen1.4 K2 months ago2 min read


Today was spent repainting a wall in the yard of the hostel I'm staying at. I did my best to stay focused but my Soul is tugging hard, it knows that this is not what I'm supposed to be doing. Most humans trade their time for safety and comfort, but that is not the path of the Spirit! I think from now on I'll only take volunteering options that demand maximum three hours per day, more than that is not acceptable.

Anyways, I painted the upper section and left half of the lower section unfinished because I had already been working for 7 hours. To be fair, until recently, most days were worked only in the morning, but now that we're going at it most of the day I feel like death is more attractive than life. At least I know what I want to do and how to go about Life after this is done.

From this place I've learned tha productivity is a hoax, it will never bring satisfaction. I came here because it promoted itself as place to learn many things and I thought I needed those things but now I realize I don't! My life is on the streets and the forests, building nothing that isn't absolutely necessary or isn't born from creative inspiration, enjoying music and presence of Spirit! All activity should be going towards gaining energy for ascension, not throwing it away in souless fulfillment of social expectations.

Well, I still have a week to go, I was planning on leaving before time but I've consulted the Tarot and it was not recommended. I've learnt that if you are going to ask the Tarot anything you'd better follow it's advice or it will have consequences. If you want to do whatever you please, don't ask for Divine Assistance!


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