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Daily routine in the forest (fall in the southern hemisphere)


fenngen1.7 Klast year3 min read

Hey Hive, back there to water my blog-plant so it doesn't wither :) (it tends to wither in my heart when i stop posting so trying to keep up with it is important or the day may come when it can't be revived anymore).

Days are short and a bit repetetive but it's something thats better accepted. The thrill of summer growth isn't coming back any time soon so it's time to take away all the pressure and rejoice on simple things like staying warm and fed.


Gathering firewood has become easier these days as I came up with a method that consists of tying my hand axe to a rope and throwing it across a dead branch. Then i just pull it down and they fall. I hope to record a video to show you one of these days, if my phone battery allows it.


Washing clothes is also part of it. During the summer i wouls wash them real nice but now its just one wash per garment. Not that i sweat too much anyway.


This is something new I've been doing: identifying the places where edible weeds grow (mainly dandelion) and clearing out the other grasses and fallen leaves so they receive more sunlight. I also place some branches to spot them easily. .


Weeds have become part of my daily diet and i wish i had known sooner how to do this. Soon i hope to do some post with how i use them in the kitchen


It's been time to reorganize many spaces. My goal is to take care of all the trash that hasn't been recycled here before i go traveling. Sometimes when I'm depressed i think of leavin immediately but this is a big thing for me: to leave this place welcoming and nice for whoever comes to inhabit.


I've been having really weird dreams lately, specially family related. It's like my subconscious mind is obsessed with family. In all my dreams i still live with my family which hasn't been my reality for years now, its like it got stuck in the past and can't move on. I'd really like for that part of my mind to wake up and see the beautiful life we're living here, instead of always draining energies with the past.

There was more intense dream though. I saw my astral body (it was blue and radiant) raking leaves here in the forest and I don't know why i wanted to touch it. As i begin approaching i realized i was dreaming but couldn't bring forth the lucid dream clarity because i was scared. The closer i got the more scared i was and as i was about to touch myself i woke up with the most intense fear I've felt in a while.

The same night i had another dream of children that were sick and trapped in a house. I wanted to leave but i saw one who's eye was so infected that it looked like actual poop. Despite wanting to leave something inside me knew i could help him and i placed my hands on his head which made me enter a trance shaking my whole body. I woke up still hearing the music that was playing during the dream.

Its 7 in the morning for me right now, it's still dark but i already have my fire going and yerba mate ready to drink. Wish you a good day!


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