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My semestral break. Did I enjoyed it?


expelliarmus3019.682 years agoPeakD5 min read

Hello everyone. How's your day going? I hope it is fine.

My semestral break started on February 5 and ended on March 5. It means I had a 1 month break. But in my one month sembreak, did I get the most out of it and did I really enjoy it? Well, that's what I'm going to talk about in this blog.

February 5, 2023 was the day I should have started to rest prior to my semestral break schedule but that didn't happen because I was still On the Job Training or OJT during those days, in fact it was February 7 and I was still in OJT. When I completed the time required for OJT, I finished there, but I still didn't rest after that. The day after I finished the OJT, I arranged the requirements that had to be passed. I also don't really have time to fix my school requirements because I'm in OJT for almost half the day, 10 hours is the required hours of my duty a day and sometimes it goes beyond 10 hours so when I get home I'm really tired.

February 13-17 I arranged my things for enrollment so it means I was still really busy with school related stuff. That week there was a day when I had a medical examination, there was a day when I was at school all day and stood in line to pass requirements or stood in line to pay tuition. As in, I've been really busy that week, so it's like I didn't really have a break.

It was only the last week of February that my schedule became a bit relaxed. I somehow had time to rest and enjoy.
What I did on the days when I didn't really have school/academic related tasks? I just stay at home. Yes, I only stayed at home. I also don't have extra money to even wander around. I still had a lot of things I wanted to do and go to during sembreak, but my lack of money really hindered the things I wanted to do, so I couldn't do anything but stay here at our home.
Well, in my free time, I watch movies, series and some videos online, but that's not often because I help my sister take care of her son, my nephew. Sometimes I actually volunteered to take care of my nephew because I know my sister is tired and awake all through the night just to watch her son, so I really help her in taking care of her baby.

And I just want to share with you this Korean series that I watched, its entitle is "Weak Hero Class 1". It consists of 8 episodes and each episode is less than an hour to watch. I know it was released a long time ago, I think it was last November 2022, but I only watched it last month. This Series is good so I recommend it to you. Anyway it's about bullying, about friendship, about family, about education and many more interesting topics that make it worth watching for. So if you haven't watched it yet, what are you waiting for?

Back to the topic, this first Monday of March is the end of my semestral break. March 6 I had the Diagnostic exam and March 7 was the Majorship Lecture. And just last Friday we had an orientation for our Teaching Internship. I shared all that in my last article.

And now my happy days are over, I mean my sem break. I'm back to my old routine where I will be thinking about academic stuff again everyday.

So let's go back to my question earlier, Did I make the most of and enjoy my semestral break? Well the answer to that is partly yes and partly no. Why? Partly yes because somehow I stopped thinking about my school and academic requirements. Partly no because the 1 month semestral break was not followed because we were still being asked to do a lot of different things. Also, I didn't even wander around like I wanted to. I wanted to go to the beach in the last few weeks because the weather here is very hot and also to unwind but because I don't have any money I so couldn't do and fufill it huhuhu. Anyway that's my answer to the question. And that's the story of what happened during my sem break.

And that's all for today.  I hope you enjoy reading this.  Thank you so much for spending some time for my article, I really appreciate it.  See you on my next article.  Adios!

Photo 1 Source : Vlada Karpovich
Photo 2 source : Jennifer Murray

Photo 3 source : Ellie Burgin

Photo 4 source : Bianca


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