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Last pictures wearing my Practice Teaching Uniform.

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expelliarmus3019.68last year2 min read


This article is a compilation of pictures of me wearing my Practice Teaching Uniform.
Today I'm just going to share with you some of the photos I saved while I was wearing my uniform and I was at school.

Last June 13, 2023 is my last day as a Student-Teacher that's why that's also the last day I wear my Uniform for Internship.
I will miss these times because every day of my life as a student teacher is memorable, be it sad or happy.
When I first wore my uniform, it was still tight on me even though it was a large size, but on my last day, it was noticeable that it was loose on me. So it means I really lost weight. Who wouldn't be able to lose weight if you're always sleep-deprived and not eating on the right time?
My weight before starting the internship was 55 kilos, but this last time I weighed myself, I was only less than 50 kilos. I lost a lot of weight though.

Another thing is that most people also noticed that I my skin turned really brown. If my color was somehow light then now I am really dark.

But now that I'm done with OJT or Internship, maybe I won't be eating not on right time again, I won't sleep late at night and most of all, I won't always be exposed to the sun.

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