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Bigger project than expected


etblink117.182 years agoPeakD4 min read


While looking around on hiveprojects.io the other day I stumbled upon a project called DeLOG (created by @pishio). This is awesome and I can totally use this in my own project!

I have a good handle on HTML and CSS. I’d even go so far to say that I know the basics with vanilla JS. Hence I go assuming, “It’s no matter, I should be able to just clone the repo, edit a few lines of html, create a subdomain for my website, and voila I have a blog.”

Well, it didn’t work out like that. Since there is nothing of substance in the readme, I had to figure out why things didn’t work like I anticipated. “Maybe, I should just quit?” I thought. “Nobody even knows I started, it’s the perfect exit.”


Oh yeah, DUN DUN DUNN ChatGPT to the rescue. AI has been making a lot of different topics that interest me more accessible by removing a lot of the thinking involved. But that’s a topic for future me to worry about writing down.

I start plugging different parts of the code into ChatGPT and it reveals that I am working with a React project. So I ask how to initialize the project and compile the code. It gives me a set of instructions that I confirm on google and then follow. It seems to work.

However, when I click on the links to a post or to a user profile I am presented with “There’s nothing here!”. The official delog.io page doesn’t seem to have this same issue.

I try various prompts attempting to get it to solve this issue for me. This might be a problem more suited for GPT-3, ChatGPT’s bigger smarter brother. “No No No. I can do this.”

So anyways, here I am, down the rabbit hole. I have been watching Freecodecamp's React tutorial on Scrimba and so far I am well distracted from my original goal and moving along nicely at a decent pace. Due to my self-diagnosed ADD doing what it does I decided at 17% of the way in that I need to start a different tutorial.

Working with React has me using the command prompt more than usual and more regular use of the command prompt has highlighted how little I know about using command prompt. I began and almost immediately stopped a tutorial on command prompt only to realize I was wasting my time and should be learning PowerShell. “Yeah, I realize it’s crazy that I somehow got here, but this is more story”

Anyways, I made it about 2 hours into a 6 hour tutorial from the creator of PowerShell before deciding I needed to do something different. I wound up watching tv and being generally unproductive with the rest of the day.

This morning I woke up inspired to start the React tutorials again. Since I am not screwing around this time I decided that I should probably brush up on my vanilla JavaScript first. Thinking back, I don’t believe I ever actually finished those tutorials either. Dammit! This time will be different. Right?

So I have essentially created a curriculum for myself.

  1. Brush up on JavaScript
  2. Learn TypeScript
  3. Finish learning React
  4. Learn Nextjs (maybe?)
  5. Learn Nodejs
  6. Learn MERN
  7. Learn package libraries hiveio/dhive or hive/hive-js (I don't know the difference and haven't asked ChatGPT yet)
  8. Finish this hive blog project for my website.
    Right now this goal seems pretty lofty and almost certainly overkill for my end goal. I keep telling myself I am basically learning JavaScript the whole way down and the hardest part is probably step 1 and step 5. I am putting this out there publicly as an attempt to hold myself to account. I am putting to test the theory that if more people know this is what I want to be up to then perhaps the social stigma of being a complacent loser will motivate me.

Yada yada, blah blah blah. I’m going to get started now.


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