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Happy Earth, Happy you!


empressjay243.905 months ago4 min read

In recent times, it would appear that the fight for a greener Earth is being lost as the days roll by. Walking down the streets, the sights of litters and landfills never fails to make their presence, as more and more people tend to neglect the need for environmental conservation. Admittedly, saving the planet from the pollution of daily wastes is no easy task and is in no way a one-man's job too. It is a journey of self conscious practices by individuals aimed in achieving the goal of a healthier and safer environment.
 Waste management is a never ending topic of urgent attention. As long as there'll always be people around, wastes will also be generated as people go about their different activities. However, there exists effective ways to generally curb the overflow of waste materials in the beautiful streets, and to keep the pollution they cause at bay. The concept of the 'reduce,reuse, and recycle' system has significantly helped to manage wastes, here are some things you can do everyday to help save the planet.

Minimal Consumption (Reduce)

Truthfully, buying a lot of things everyday generates a lot of wastes, especially thing that don't last long. Practicing minimal living is a great way to to reduce waste. Instead of buying disposable items like plastics plates for food everyday and throwing them away at the end of each use. It would be more environment friendly to get a stainless food flask.
 You won't have to throw it away after using, saves you some cost and it lasts for a lifetime too. While the former may be more convenient, think about the effect it'll have on the environment. It is also advisable to think of ways to reduce packaging. You may find it helpful to buy in bulk, instead of picking up single items at the store every time. That is a great way to maximize packaging and reducing the aftermath of wastes.

Reusing already existing items

My mom hoards a lot of shopping bags. It's quite funny when you walk into the kitchen and there's a bag inside a bag, inside another bag and it goes on and on. Over time, I learned how useful that practice is. I don't have to keeping buying bags each time I go to the market, I just take one from the bunch and I'm good to go. Sometimes, I even run out of change to get a bag for my items and I am always grateful to have taken a bag with me from home. Buying items that are reusable is one of the ways of sustaining the environment. You save your money and save the planet. Most of the things we buy come in containers and there's absolutely no reason to dispose them, wash them clean and they might actually come in handy someday.

Opt for recycling

I bought Soda one time from a store opposite my school then and I noticed the lady always comes back for the plastics for recycling. It was quite impressive that people are conscious to take care of the environment. At home, we use a lot of things that are good for recycling. Throwing it away may not be the best option. One of the things I do at home is gathering plastics and selling them to people who would need them to reuse or recycle into new items. Companies won't have to go through the process of making new items entirely from the scratch and wastes are reduced.

 https://img.inleo.io/DQmbsAxCAes8qzBoj5nQrgLzzGKVh7gyRC9ivGbQfYfCRJ9/image.png During my high school days, we used things like glass pieces to make beautiful collages and wall decorations for homes. You can figure out some crafts or DIY projects to help you recycle your waste into useful brands new items.

As you think of making the Earth a place for better living, remember that leaving wastes around won't be of any benefit to you or the environment at large. Practice minimal living as much as you can, don't keep throwing away your items if you can reuse it and recycle more or sell off your plastics and other items for recycling if you can't do it yourself. Keep sustaining the environment through your everyday practices and the results will be worth the while.

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