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emmanuel2376.326 months ago3 min read







Snail farming is professionally called Heliciculture. The process of raising eatable or edible land snails, primarily for human consumption or cosmetics use called snailery or snail farming. The meat and eggs from snails can be consumed as an eatable dish which is very good for health.
And the slim from snail, " that slurry substance " is highly sought after in the comestic/beauty industry. That classy cream you apply, most of them are made from snail slime.
I would like to introduce to the Blurt Community space, the three specie of snails I raise or grow. As an experienced farmer, there are three recommendable species;

  • the Achatina Maginata,
  • the Achatina Fulica and
  • the Achatina Achatina.
    Here is the pictorial example:
  • the Achatina Maginata has a short atenae on the head. Otherwise known as Giant African Land snail. It is one of the largest known land snail in west Africa. It is considered a delicacy in Africa and the international market due to its high nutritional value. A live one can weigh up to 500g at full maturity. And is highly recommended for rearing in Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Morocco, Cameroon etc
  • the Achatina Fulica has a long atenae on the head, and the Achatina Achatina commonly known as small shell snail always cling together, otherwise known as medium size shell snail.
    Nb: It's easy to feed snail ( plant leaves, chaffs of cassava, pawpaw leaves, fruits, tubers, Okro leaves, cocoyam leaves, moringa leaves, dandelion, banana peels, cabbage.) A properly formulated feed with calcium is great for high yield ( ground egg shells is good source of calcium ). The best time to feed your snails is in the evening, because they mostly eat at night. To rear snails is less costly compared to poultry farming. And the nearness to the house pose no problem because neither do their faeces smell nor do they make noise unlike other rearing domestic animals or birds!
    Note: please don't use salt in their feed because it can help to dehydrate them, and they would die.

Easy made snail housing/Pen

  1. Use Basket ( plastic or woven )
  2. Use old Car Tires
  3. Use an Old Tank
  4. Use Trench Pens
  5. Use Hutch Boxes and,
  6. Use the Free - Range pen for snails.
    Nb; always make sure there is ventilation in to your snail house.


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