Dragons don't eat apples

Recently I found a Lego installation which had a very medieval theme to it. I like that kind of thing so of course I was intrigued and when I happened on this side of the build, I had to laugh out lout. It was a crime scene in the making. Everyone knows that dragons don't eat apples. Not even baby dragons eat apples. Alas, it was cool anyhow, in a very innocent kind of way. It was after all made for kids - by kids. Well, mostly. I actually met one of the people that built some of this and he wasn't a kid, he was a pensioner and this is one of his hobbies. His section he claimed took him about three hours. I don't think he gets out much to be honest - he really wanted to talk about Lego.

My niece (luckily) was not having any of it and pulled me away... straight into the Lego store. Don't blame her one bit, we were after all there to do exactly that - buy Lego. After looking around for a bit and her pointing out all the most stupidly expensive sets, she settled on a small Moana kit, with the additional requirement that we have to watch Moana while building it. It didn't take me long to acquiesce and shake on it.
Silly move on my part...that movie makes me cry EVERY. DAMN. TIME! and NO, there are no photos of me sobbing like a baby.

Ignore the big box of Lego in the middle image - they are not the droids you are looking for, lol. That was actually a birthday gift from my partner to himself. He still hasn't even opened it (insert rolly eyes emoji here).
We got building while watching Moana. I don't know how many times I've seen that movie, but it would seem enough times to know the words to all the songs. It annoyed my niece, but she's mildly tolerant of my ridiculousness and joined in on the last song the one where I balled my eyes out and at the end we had made another installment of Lego & Friends.

I have to admit that I really do enjoy helping her build up her Lego collection a little set at a time and the best part for me is all the little creatures, you know, because these princesses always have animal sidekicks (according to Maui). We got the little pig Pua this time, although I wouldn't have minded getting Hei Hei...the silliest chicken to ever have lived.