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Selenophile and anti-hero


emma-h957.412 years agoPeakD3 min read


I'm becoming a freaking selenophile. No evening is complete now without me searching out the moon. It has been so big and bright the last few nights.

I've always been a bit of a night owl. I have no problem staying up late until the wee hours of the morning, but it also has to do with my new obsession. I have become a bit addicted to watching high speed car chases either recorded from dashcams or from police choppers. I don't know why these fascinate me - maybe it was because I wanted to be a police woman when I was very young, perhaps it's just that I like to see justice prevail and the determination it takes to chase these people for hours sometimes, through various jurisdictions...some during the day and some at night by the light of the ever watching moon.

My evenings are special as I don't get a lot of time to myself during the day so all my outstanding paperwork, admin and logistics need to be done at night. I stay in a very quiet neighbourhood so have no issues concentrating and I tend to be quite efficient at getting it done before I can have my own leisure time to while away watching these shows. Some may say that it's a waste of time and sometimes they may be right, but I get a kick out of it and I'd rather watch something that vaguely restores my faith in humanity to carry me through to the next day because...

...every morning I have to drive alongside other road users on the highway. I shake my head often while in traffic but luckily I haven't had any serious issues. The number of blue lights I see during the week on the highways is staggering and I've been rather impressed with how quickly people still move out of the way. There is still a level of respect out here for law enforcement and emergency services. Far more here than what I've seen in those videos from other countries, I am so glad that I don't live there. Gosh, it's rough in some of those places.

Now in the early morning when I have to drive to work, I listen to podcasts by people that I admire and that motivate me to be a better person. Every morning is an opportunity to be a slightly better version of myself, one step closer to the person I want to become. In the evenings I get to indulge the anti-hero in me lol. By the way, the term anti-hero is absurd and needs to be redefined.

Anyhoo, I've got traffic to tend to and the moon is sleeping for now. I wish I was too.

All images are my own unless otherwise stated


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