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English- Espanish, construction of popular clinic in my Guarico State! 馃拋. construcci贸n de cl铆nica popular en mi estado Gu谩rico.


elvimar113.894 years ago3 min read

Blessed day, dear hive family! I hope they are fine. Today I want to share with you the important work that is being done in the Camaguan Municipality of Guarico State.


The construction of a popular clinic is being carried out, for the special attention of all those people with limited resources.



This clinic is built by the Construguarico company, until now it is the only one that is active in the State, carrying out works as important as these. I am part of this team and it is a pleasure for me to share with you the progress of the important works that are currently being carried out in the state.

The progress of the clinic is already in the gray stage, works are currently being carried out, such as the internal wiring, cement and sand-based frieze, to later finish with professional paste, we are already building the perimeter fencing.

Esta clinica es construida por la empresa Construguarico, hasta los momentos es la unica que se encuentra activa en el Estado, realizando obras tan imoortantes como estas. Formo parte de este equipo y es grato para mi compartir con ustedes los avances de las importantes obras que se estan realizando actualmente en el estado.

El avance de la clinica ya se encuentra en etapa gris, actualmente se estan realizando trabajos, como el cableado interno, friso a base de cemento y arena, para posteriormente realizar el acabado con pasta profesional, ya se estamos construyendo el cercado perimetral.

In a few months, this important work will be in its culminating phase and our people will be able to enjoy a dignified space to receive medical assistance.

It is important that as professionals, we dedicate ourselves to contribute, support, to move forward in this country (Venezuela) that so much needs us to love and care for it, we are capable of criticizing but not contributing! That is my motto friends, wanting is power, and if we do it with love under God's covering, everything is possible.


En pocos meses ya esta importante obra estar谩 en fase culminativa y nuestro pueblo podr谩 gozar de un espacio digno para resivir asistencia medica.

Es importante que como profesionales, nos dediquemos aportar, apoyar, para sacar adelante a este pa铆s (Venezuela) que tanto necesita que lo amemos y lo cuidemos, somos capaces de criticar pero no de aportar! Ese es mi lema amigos querer es poder, y si lo hacemos con amor bajo la cobertura de Dios todo es posible.

Thanks for reading dear friend! have a nice day. the images were taken from my alcatel phone.

隆Gracias por leer querido amigo! que tenga un lindo d铆a.

las im谩genes fueron tomadas desde mi tel茅fono alcatel.



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