Little Unseen Worlds……..My Actifit Report Card: March 22 2025
Saturdays are always hard for me to get up! I’m tired from the workweek and in the case of last night, I was plagued with recurring leg cramps that would wake me up and I’d have to get out of bed and stand to help them to stop. Not a fun time and after having been woke up 3 times with them, it’s no wonder I was sleeping so late!
Once up and after coffee, of course, I did some things around the house. Mid afternoon, we set out for a hike.
The Skunk Weed is coming along nicely!
As I mentioned yesterday, it’s moss season here. On today’s hike, I decided to take some moss pics but moss with multiple types or other things in them. This first picture has a couple of different moss types as well as a couple varieties of lichen, plus something else. Can you spot the something else?
While you ponder that, here’s a couple macro shots revealing the world on top of that post.
So, going back to the first picture of the wooden post, if you look to the left of it in the midst of the lichen, there’s a little out of focus brown spot. It became a moving target and I had to act quickly to capture it. Meet baby Mr. Stinky!
Who knew he was even there? If I’d not stopped to take a look, I would’ve missed him altogether! You never know what you might find!
The skies were a mix of sun and clouds. This thunderhead almost could convince you it was a mountain behind the trees!
Some baby Hoof Fungus.
Take a look at this! This log is so covered with moss; it almost seems you could comb it!
But, when you look really close……
There’s so many facets to the texture-again something of an unseen world.
Some baby ‘shrooms on the end of a log….
Now, another viewpoint….
On the last leg of the trailhead before hitting the road again, I found these.
It was a nice hike. See @silvertop’s post for some pics of Pepe Frog and of the new trees that came I’d forgotten all about! 😳
That’s gonna be it for today. Take care; have a blessed Sunday, and enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are! 🙏🌎🙏
NKJV Hebrews 12:14
Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Hiking, House Chores
Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app
@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH
