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I am once again asking for your support, @cardboard


eirik135.404 years agoHive.Blog

As you may have seen I used the @tipu delegation links maybe too much. I didn't know the previous delegation would be edited and removed so I was always adding more.

The problem is that right now I only have 1000 HIVE delegated and with the rest of my HIVE POWER I can't do anything. Does that mean I now have to wait 3 days so that delegation return to me? Or is MANA really a problem?

If I think about it, shouldn't I actually undelegate everything now again from @tipu because when the current expiring delegation return to me and I would want to delegate 2500 HIVE, it will not let me because it will edit my previous 1000 HIVE delegation?

Thanks @cardboard


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