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Mass indoctrination day six (6) held on zoom on the 6/2/2023


eddispace59.52last yearHive.Blog4 min read


Beloved i welcome you once again to my blog in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, it’s a great privilege to share with you the enlightenment of the word of God i received for free from today’s teaching via zoom.

I learnt that if we offend someone we should ask for their forgiveness, it’s doesn’t necessarily mean we should only ask God for forgiveness the cry of the person you offended will reach God and that alone will be a punishment to you until you asked for their forgiveness’ only then will God forgives you.
Proverb’s 24:9
We have two kind of sin’s…. Sin unto death and sin not unto death,sin unto death leads to condemnation and destruction and finally death’ while sin not unto death is when you realised and admits you have sinned and genuinely ask God for forgiveness, If you acknowledge your sin and ask God for mercy he will forgive you, but if you don’t acknowledge your sin and you still want to justify it then destruction awaits you. Pray to God with a genuine heart and the Lord will have mercy on you.
Luke 4:27
Before the righteous pray the Lord will answer him, you don’t need to pray repeatedly’ let’s use the case of Elijah the prophet in the Bible’ for instance” he prayed to God to lock the heavens for several year’s not to and the Lord answered him even before he prayed “why” because he was a righteous man, you can imagine God stopped the rain from dropping even in the summer,the full earth went onto famine and hunger took over the land because of one man Elijah, that is the benefit of being righteous.
Psalm 16:3
It’s a great joy to God if we live in holiness and righteousness, God love righteous people and answer their prayers even before they pray’ the prayer of a righteous man is effective unto God just like Elijah and Daniel, God is always delighted to hear our pray”in-fact God is eager to hear our pray.
1 Timothy 3:45
The household of God on earth is the church of God, men can build a house and call it the church of God but if God’s presence is not there’ is just an ordinary house and not the house of God, the house of God is a house of prayer’ the house of God should be filled with people who pray fervently’ prayer is a duty and a necessity in our daily existence. The Bible say “me ought always to pray” it’s a commandment by God to pray…. We shouldn’t just look at the house of God as a building made with block and bricks “No” the presence of God matter most not just the building,the house of should be respected you should not misbehave in the house of God cuz it’s a holy ground.
Ezekiel 43:2
Facing a particular direction to pray shouldn’t be condemned or criticise, even facing the eastern direction to pray was first done in the Bible because the glory of the God of Israel first comes from the east, so facing the east to pray is not a sin and is not a sign that one is worshiping the sun,whatever you do and practice should be what was first done in the Bible by God’s apostles and he’s servants.
Lamentation 3:33
If you serve God with all you a genuine heart and in righteousness you and have faith, there’s nothing God cannot do for you, God like to help us but we need to ask with a genuine heart and clean mind, our God is faithful and just’ all God want’s from us is to obey he’s commandments and he will do everything for us.
Don’t complain when you are being punished of your sins,forgive those who have wronged you if they ask for forgiveness and ask for forgiveness from those you have wronged, the Bible said” forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”.
Proverb’s 12:1
Be contended with what you have,don’t go beyond your capability to please people don’t go into debt to satisfy yourself it’s a sin unto God,be hopeful in God for a better tomorrow’ God told us “ we should ask we shall be given,seek and we will find, knock and it will be open unto us…. Just ask God with faith he will answer and provide for you there shouldn’t be any doubts in your mind.
This is the doctrine’s of God.


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