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Mass indoctrination day four (4) held on zoom on the 2/3/2023


eddispace62.75last yearHive.Blog3 min read

Beloved i welcome you to my blog in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, it’s a great privilege to be sharing with you what i learnt from yesterday preaching via zoom meeting.
I learnt that prayer is a request and supplication in every Christians life, there are way’s and pattern to pray to God it is not how long you stay in prayer that will make God answer your prayers “No” it is the relationship you have with God and how you obey he’s commandments and follow the true doctrine’s of Christ, the apostles in the Bible prayed and their prayers was short and simple still God answer them, they didn’t repeat words…. When we pray as Christians we should be convinced that God have answered our prayers’ it’s called FAITH” faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen”Hebrews 11:1, you should first believe in your mind God will answer your prayer before you pray, if you have doubts in mind about God your prayer won’t get an answer from God.
Every church have their different pattern of praying, but some of these patterns are wrong and was never practiced in the Bible’ Some churches pray “ Hey Mary mother of Jesus pray for all sinners” it’s a recitation, don’t ask the Mary to help you pray’ you should pray with your own mouth it is your duty to pray, the Bible say “ men ought always to pray” it is a commandment for us to pray and be fervent in the act of prayer, there is power in prayer and as a Christian when you stop praying you start dying spiritually.
The Bible commanded us to always pray, you shouldn’t pray only when you have problem or in a situation, you should always pray both in time’s of merry and trouble because prayer isn’t always about request, you can pray to God for the gift of life and a successful business “ Pray without ceasing” when you are about going to bed pray for God’s guidance, thank God when you wake up in the morning, pray for God’s protection when you are about going out, a day shouldn’t go by without praying it’s a necessity we can’t do without.
2 Timothy 2:22
To pray is just one thing but for God to answer your prayers is the most important thing,pray to God with a pure heart else your prayer will be in vain’ God does not waste time to answer the prayer of an upright person, if you have offend God and man your prayer is a waste, but when you ask for forgiveness genuinely God will hear you..Be convinced in your heart that God have forgiven you’ don’t have doubts in your mind the devil will use that guilt to trap you making you think God won’t answer your prayer, be convinced, free your mind, and God will hear you.
Our heart is our life what we think inside is what reflects in our physical reaction, this is why the Bible say “we should guide our heart diligently” you must study the word of God and adhere to it, we must first purify our heart to be able to carry the word and be the doer, without a pure heart we can’t be a true Christian and practice the true doctrine’s of Christ’ and the word of God is the route that can give us a pure heart by studying the word of God with the help of the Holy Spirit.


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