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fkn consumerism is the ... its just bullshit


dunstuff159.6811 months ago2 min read

let get ready to raaaaammmmbbbblllleeee

theres a lightglobe
still going
someonesaid fk, everything could
we cant have that
we need to root
for all of evvvvviiiiiiiiillllllllllllll

so what if ... like, ok
here's 8 thousand pixels by 6000 pixels
that'll do it
we'll double it in 'moore's'
we had fat ass tv's
we tookthe ass off ofem
that was good
they break almost instantly now
but at least i can get thefker in my car

ya went and rounded them again?
:rage-insideout- #lit-like-rage-io
where was i ..
ok .. so
sony make tv's
who else do we like that make tv's?
who wont we buy?
what if we all just told em to stop makin tv's
ok. what if ...
the shit we made
lasts longer?
like, um my granpa's droll, made circa 1910
still works.
ive not glanced, may need to be re-oiled
but my grandkids, could still use it
it was handed downertherhisgrandpa
still i digress
so, we need a 1k x
we now only have to ..

i started this ramble ON the 'how it started' thing
what was it
uh, yes
ya'll made your consoles
time to Sega'it
and start 'just making the bits for them
if ford, still had a corolla 87 jig
put out a parts print once a year, for those that 'needed a 'the bit'
i dunno
lets say #cybertruck
its not the sexiest looking thing, but if the airs right
if the aerodynamics lost, are to cool the and boost the . . . then
think whaleshark
and that 'bishops hat' we made in the airoplane folding books
fetches image just cos its a quick copy paste to google/ browser bar

if the 'bugs in its grill, fuel it, there's transport covered
oh. so transport
what if .. as i mentioned
shit lasted
that means
less people would have to work shitty jobs
and we could ... gasp...
dare i say it
all be ... influencers
but not necesarily online
(though i do love some posterity)
to uer kids

oh, re the drill
so, 2010, still worked ( last i used it, 20202030 (+120 years)
shit these days ...
made 7:10pm(19:10) broken by 19:45)
anyways ...
dribble dun


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