
Splinterlands Diary 18.10.23 - Immolation

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drunksamurai797.288 months ago2 min read


Hi friends, I love new cards, but I have no luck with drops, so I have to use rentals, and of course I couldn't leave out Immolation - the new legendary Fire element monster.

It has a very high summoning cost of 12 mana, but it's well worth it - 9 life points, 4 points of magic attack and, in addition, the coolest ability Shield, which reduces damage from close and long-range attacks.

A real imba!

In battles with a lot of mana, I prefer to use Yodin Zaku, with Tusk The Wide tank and the obligatory Blood Maker, whose random attacks wreak havoc in the enemy ranks, and the culprit of the celebration I put on a distant position to make him a "finishing" monster.

The opponent chose a good combo of Life element cards, and the combination of legendary mage Iziar and Captain Katie looked very threatening, but in the end it turned out very well, and the Blast ability from summoner was at its best.

Watch The Battle

I think it's worth getting one of these handsome creature in my deck.


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