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Splinterlands Diary 17.10.23 - Quora Towershead

1 comment

drunksamurai797.438 months ago


Hi friends, for a long time I've wanted to get an Earth element gladiator in my deck - the incredible Quora Towershead, and about a month ago, after a year of fighting in guilds, I got it.... And yesterday, after spending MERITS to buy Gladius Case I got it in Gold Foil!

A very happy and pleasant event for me!

Of course, I decided to try out her level 2 abilities and in one of the fights, even despite the Briar Patch rule giving all cards the Thorns ability, she was pretty darn good thanks to her Heal ability!

Watch The Battle

Looking forward to the release of REBELLION, and it looks like combined with the new cards she will be even more deadly!


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