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BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge - Reverse Speed


drunksamurai797.389 months ago3 min read


Hello, brave warriors of Splinterlands! It's the long-awaited weekend, I have some free time and today I dedicated the first half of the day to a new round of BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Challenge. This time it was the Reverse Speed rule, and I had to drain my battery a lot to get a really interesting fight.

Given that this rule gives slow cards an advantage in attacking, you have to think of a strategy to outsmart your opponent and still attack first, and this combo has brought me some great wins over the past few days, often against opponents who are significantly higher level than me (which is not surprising for the silver league).
So, since the second rule was Counterspell, which gives all cards the Magic Reflect ability, I focused on archers and chose this linup:


Mighty Summoner, which is a great boost to archer attacks and gives cards the Blast ability.


Given the Reverse Speed rule, I gave the tank position to this epic monster. With the Void ability and a lot of health, he could hold the defence perfectly for the first three rounds.


Attacking from second position and with Blast is fun, so I found this non-fast card from the Riftwatchers set to be a great option.


Having given up on mages I decided to bet on archers, so the third position was taken by this powerful fellow. Good attack, lots of health, and most importantly the ability to attack from the first line in case the opponent is much stronger and quickly breaks my defence.


Slow monsters are a guarantee of success, so the fourth card was this card with the ability to attack the opponent's weak monsters. Together with the Blast ability from the summoner, it could cause a lot of trouble for the opponent.


I'm always looking for new ways to use Soulbound cards, so I decided that this archer would be the best way to use it. If the opponent has Opportunity or Sneak cards, he has a chance to help his allies increase their parameters by dying and using Martyr's ability.


This archer completes the combo with a huge amount of health and the ability to attack from the first position. Needless to say, this is one of the best cards for Yodin Zaku?


To my surprise, even though my opponent was using non-fast cards, he was focusing on mages, ignoring the Counterspell rule, but his Goblin Tower and Mycelic Infantry in the first position didn't bode well for me.


Throughout the first round, my archers attacked Mycelic Splipawn, while my Tusk The Wide held defence and deflected enemy magic attacks.


I went into the third round with Tinderlock in the first position, but the loss of Junker paid off. The enemy's mage health was severely compromised, and thanks to a quality edge and solid attacks from my archers, I won a solid victory in the same round.

Watch the battle

Such a fight it turned out to be. I was glad to share my experience, and hopefully we will meet on the battlefields!


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